!cd yolov5 && python train.py --img 320 --batch 16 --epochs 1500 --data dataset.yml --weights yolov5s.pt --workers 2
This is for training the yolov5 model to recognize the labels awake
and drowsy
via image detection but it cannot detect any image files in the data/images folder. This is for vscode python notebook. The dataset.yml file is as follows:
path: ../data train: images val: images
nc: 17 names: ['dog', 'person', 'cat', 'tv', 'car', 'meatballs', 'marinara sauce', 'tomato soup', 'chicken noodle soup', 'french onion soup', 'chicken breast', 'ribs', 'pulled pork', 'hamburger', 'cavity', 'awake', 'drowsy' ]
debug: True debug_verbose: True
I am expecting the model to be properly trained and in the folder ...\Drowsiness
Detection using YOLO v5\Project\yolov5\runs\train
there are exp
folders with best.pt
and last.pt
in weights folder