I want to do move through a loop and save a value at particular time intervals. I was thinking of something with this form:

    t <- 0
    t_end <- 10
    time_step <- 0.01
    record_interval <- 1
    while (t <= t_end){
        if (t %% record_interval == 0) print(t)
        t <- t + time_step

But of course doing it this way fails due to machine precision issues.

I can do:

if (isTRUE(all.equal(t %% record_interval,0, tolerance = time_step*0.1))) { ...

But even this fails because sometimes it gives a modulo of record_interval rather than 0.

So, I can run my code with an or statement, using the above and also checking if the modulo is equal to record_interval, but that's incredibly ugly. I am sure there is an obvious, easy way to solve this problem but I am at a loss. I don't want to introduce an unnecessary integer counter (the all.equal part works, it's just not pretty, so that seems less bad), and I want to be able to change time_step and record_interval depending upon needs.

  • 2
    General approach: t_rolling <- t_rolling + time_step; if (t_rolling > record_interval) { print(t); t_rolling <- 0 } Commented Dec 1, 2023 at 14:53
  • 1
    Yeah, that's the right answer. I teach (not computer science!) and had thought to use this also to introduce the modulo operator--and look, I could toss in a little about tolerance as well!--but your way is much cleaner and is the clear way to do it if you're not caught up with modulo. I'll just do it this way instead. Thanks!
    – dchauri
    Commented Dec 1, 2023 at 16:06

2 Answers 2


One option would be to use tidyverse to create a new column called of your hundredths value, filter the data to the interval you want, then remove the new column.

# Load tidyverse

# Create example data
dat <- data.frame(
  t = seq(0,10,0.01)

#>      t
#> 1 0.00
#> 2 0.01
#> 3 0.02
#> 4 0.03
#> 5 0.04
#> 6 0.05

# Create new column, filter the time interval you want, then remove the new column
dat2 <- dat %>%
  mutate(hundredths = floor(t * 100) %% 10) %>%
  filter(hundredths == 7) %>%

#>      t
#> 1 0.07
#> 2 0.17
#> 3 0.27
#> 4 0.37
#> 5 0.47
#> 6 0.57

Created on 2023-12-01 with reprex v2.0.2

  • Unfortunately this suffers from the same problem I had originally, but it doesn't show up if you construct t using seq(). I ran the code first as you suggested, and it worked, and then I constructed t by sequentially adding the 0.01 time_step, and got the same result, with tail(dat2$t) giving [99] 9.81; [100] 9.91; [101] 10.01; [102] 100.00 . I couldn't get my code to format in the comment section (sorry, I'm new, and I haven't figured out the formatting), unfortuantely
    – dchauri
    Commented Dec 1, 2023 at 16:48
  • @dchauri I do not fully understand the issue you are seeking assistance with. Perhaps you can add some output of what your ideal output would look like? I will keep my answer posted so others do not take the same approach. Also, when you add a comment, there is a help button below the "Add comment" button that shows you how to add code to your comment (i.e., bracket your code with ` ).
    – tassones
    Commented Dec 1, 2023 at 16:59
  • Here is what I tried: time_step <- 0.01 t_temp <- 0 t <- c() while(t_temp <= 100){ t_temp <- t_temp + time_step t <- c(t_vec, t_temp) } dat <- data.frame(t) dat2 <- dat %>% mutate(hundredths = floor(t * 100) %% 10) %>% filter(hundredths == 0) %>% select(-hundredths) Here's what I got: > tail(dat2) t 97 9.61 98 9.71 99 9.81 100 9.91 101 10.01 102 100.00 I expected what I got when I ran your code: > tail(dat2) t 94 9.5 95 9.6 96 9.7 97 9.8 98 9.9 99 10.0
    – dchauri
    Commented Dec 1, 2023 at 21:04

You can get around the precision issue by just adding a rolling variable and resetting it when you hit the point you save the value:

t_rolling <- t_rolling + time_step; if (t_rolling > record_interval) { print(t); t_rolling <- 0 }

Thanks for the helpful responses!

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