Is there a way to access the data from Active Admin? Im creating a mobile app that will connect to an active admin website. I need to retrieve data from the website.

1 Answer 1


We are using "active_model_serializers" gem for this. To make it work just:

  1. Add active_model_serializers to your Gemfile
  2. Add the following to config/initializers/active_admin.rb
ActiveAdmin::ResourceController.class_eval do
  before_action { self.namespace_for_serializer = ::Admin }
  1. Put your serializers into app/serializers/admin/ folder
# app/serializers/admin/user_serializer.rb
module Admin
  class UserSerializer < ::ActiveModel::Serializer
    attributes :id, :username

And that's it. Now you should be able to make requests with JSON format to your ActiveAdmin endpoints.

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