Snippet one:
function a() {
function b(){
return b(); //return nothing here as b not defined a return value
var s = a(); //s got nothing assigned as b() and thus a() return nothing.
s(); // s equals nothing so nothing will be executed, JavaScript interpreter will complain
the statement 'b()' means to execute the function named 'b' which shows a dialog box with text 'B!'
the statement 'return b();' means to execute a function named 'b' and then return what function 'b' return. but 'b' returns nothing, then this statement 'return b()' returns nothing either.
If b() return a number, then ‘return b()’ is a number too.
Now ‘s’ is assigned the value of what 'a()' return, which returns 'b()', which is nothing, so 's' is nothing (in JavaScript it’s a thing actually, it's an 'undefined'. So when you ask JavaScript to interpret what data type the 's' is, JavaScript interpreter will tell you 's' is an undefined.) As 's' is an undefined, when you ask JavaScript to execute this statement 's()', you're asking JavaScript to execute a function named as 's', but 's' here is an 'undefined', not a function, so JavaScript will complain, "hey, s is not a function, I don't know how to do with this s", then a "Uncaught TypeError: s is not a function" error message will be shown by JavaScript (tested in Firefox and Chrome)
Snippet Two
function a() {
function b(){
return b; //return pointer to function b here
var s = a(); //s get the value of pointer to b
s(); // b() function is executed
now, function 'a' returning a pointer/alias to a function named 'b'. so when execute 's=a()', 's' will get a value pointing to b, i.e. 's' is an alias of 'b' now, calling 's' equals calling 'b'. i.e. 's' is a function now. Execute 's()' means to run function 'b' (same as executing 'b()'), a dialog box showing 'B!' will appeared (i.e. running the 'alert('B!'); statement in the function 'b')