I am trying to write a loop to read pin 14 on a pi pico. Normally the pin will be 0 (Low) but when it goes 1 (High) I would like to exit the while loop and continue with the rest of the script. I have it running and it is printing "HELLO" but when I put a high on pin 14 it doesn't "break". What I have just for this while portion is as follows:
import machine
from machine import Pin
import utime
from machine import Timer
#Create input for Pin 4
p14 = Pin(14, Pin.IN)
#Set Pin 14 Value Low Initially
#(Section is for reading Input High on Pin 4)
check = (p14.value())
while check != 1:
check2 = (p14.value())
if check2 == 1:
print("Pin 14 went HIGH")
I've tried numerous iterations of while but still cannot get this to work.
outside of the loop. You testcheck
every time through the loop, but you never update it. Simplify the loop, get rid of all the 'check's and test the pin value directly in thewhile
condition. Also, you might want to usePin(14, Pin.IN, Pin.PULL_UP)
Have fun!