I'm doing some hands on with Junit/Mockito/PowerMockito

I have an interface class

import retrofit2.Call;
import com.learning.model.user.User;
import java.io.IOException;

public interface UserService {
        Call<User> getUser(@Path("userId") String userId);
        default User getUserById(String userId) {
            try {
                return getUser(userId).execute().body();
            } catch (IOException e) {
                return null;

        static UserService getUserService(){
            //setup retrofit ...

In another service:

public class DemoUser {
    public void doUserBusiness(String userId) {
        User user = UserService.getService().getUserById(userId);
        //do business logic here

Then how can I mock the UserService.getService().getUserById(userId); to return a mock user when testing the doUserBussiness method?

1 Answer 1


You can try to use mockStatic() like:

try (MockedStatic<UserService> serviceMockedStatic = mockStatic(UserService.class)) {
         .when(() -> UserService.getService().getUserById(userId))

More here -> staticMock

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