My requirement is to do externalized dwl mapping files outside of the project and not include in src/main/resources folder.

To fulfil the requirement I need suggestion how I can proceed. Please check the below point provide any article or the way how I can implement-

  1. Can I keep dwl folder outside of the project? I tried to provide the file path in transform message like this #[MULE::${dwl.location}]/common/set-client-secret.dwl but this is not working.
  2. Is it possible to create dwl library for all dwl mappings files and can we import in transform message?

example: Below we have dwl mapping file that should be inside common library and in mule flow how can import just defining something like import::bad_request.dwl

%dw 2.0
output application/json
  message: "Bad request",
  error: error.description default ""
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    – aled
    Commented Mar 14, 2023 at 20:38

1 Answer 1


I don't think it is possible to reference DataWeave files directly from outside the project directory using standard methods. What is possible is to create DataWeave libraries and publish them to Anypoint Exchange for reuse in applications. If you don't want to use Exchange is probably possible to use the libraries as any other jar file, deploying to a Maven repositories and referencing it as a dependency in your project pom.

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