I try to launch a g5.48xlarge instance on AWS. But it says the configuration is not supported.
My configuration is:
- Region: US-WEST-2
- AMI: Amazon certified image, explicitly saying it support the G5 instance. The name is "Deep Learning AMI GPU CUDA 11.1.1 (Ubuntu 18.04) 20230211" (ami-076342b82eaef5e5c)
- Networking: default firewall; no preference on availability zone
- Storage: 2200 GB gp3 storgage (IOPS set to 6600)
The error message is The requested configuration is currently not supported. Please check the documentation for supported configurations.
I have checked the instance type is available in this region. Can anyone help? Thank you.
I tried in US-EAST-1, tried GP2, IO1, IO2 storage types. None of them worked. I would like to get a G5.48xlarge on-demand instance as my machine for developing.