I have the following combination of tap/target in Meltano: tap-marketo and target-s3-parquet.
I want to extract data from tap-marketo from data A to date B in the past.
I saw that we can only define start_date and max_export_days.
I have tried to start with start_date A and stop the run once I reach B. But this does not work.
The loader only emit the state once their work is completely done, and the target is not called. So a load was not done.
I also saw that, the export is being done.
{'run_id': '46ba5256-7019-48c7-890a-28746bb5272a', 'state_id': '2023-02-09T152428--tap-marketo--target-s3-parquet', 'stdio': 'stderr', 'cmd_type': 'extractor', 'name': 'tap-marketo', 'event': 'INFO GET: https://XXXXXXX/bulk/v1/activities/export/6636daf1-ad1e-41e1-b8d5-cdd31de5d4e0/file.json', 'level': 'info', 'timestamp': '2023-02-09T17:35:02.098016Z'}
But where do I find this file in my container?
I want to invoke the target separately but need to give the --input.
# meltano invoke target-s3-parquet --help
Environment 'dev' is active
Usage: target-s3-parquet [OPTIONS]
Execute the Singer target.
--input FILENAME A path to read messages from instead of from
standard in.
--config TEXT Configuration file location or 'ENV' to use
environment variables.
--format [json|markdown] Specify output style for --about
--about Display package metadata and settings.
--version Display the package version.
--help Show this message and exit.