Using the default laravel 9 user model and migration I registered several users (names, emails and passwords). I followed this guide.
But what I really want is to have one administrator user who will be able to assign dynamically roles and permissions to those users. For this purpose I finally abandoned the previous implementation and reinstalled laravel (also cleared database from migrations). I tried with this guide using the Spatie package. During this implementation I needed to install node.js on my pc in order to run
npm install && npm run dev
The code works but sometimes fails. There is also need to have node.js console running in order to work. If I close console the code does not work. I find the second guide too complex. Is there simpler way to implement this? I just want the administrator to assign roles to created users and grant access to one specific route. Can I somehow do it using the initial implementation?
Thank you a lot for your time!