I am a beginner with Qt Creator I need to ask if I can USE HIKVISON SDK which downloaded from : https://www.hikvision.com/en/support/download/sdk/device-network-sdk--for-windows-64-bit-/
can I import them to qt if yes then how?
I am a beginner with Qt Creator I need to ask if I can USE HIKVISON SDK which downloaded from : https://www.hikvision.com/en/support/download/sdk/device-network-sdk--for-windows-64-bit-/
can I import them to qt if yes then how?
I but file with lib name in same folder Qt project and add this two lines to .pro
LIBS += -L$$PWD/libs/ -lHCCore -lHCNetSDK -lPlayCtrl
LIBS += -L$$PWD/libs/HCNetSDKCom -lHCAlarm -lHCGeneralCfgMgr -lHCPreview
include the header file and start to use the functions