I used the ListItemText to display the list and my goal is to use the show component in the react-admin when each row of the list is clicked, but the function related to the display is not executed? How should it be done?


/// --- List ---
export const ContactList = (props) => {
  const classes = useStyles();
  return (
    <List className={classes.list} {...props} pagination={false} exporter={false} filters={<ContactFilter/>}>

/// --- Child list ---
const ContactSimpleList = () => {
  const {ids, data} = useListContext();

  const handleClick = (id) => {
  return (
      {ids.map(id => (
        <ListItem key={id} button>
            <Avatar alt="Profile Picture" src={data[id].person}/>
          <ListItemText primary={data[id].name} onClick={() => handleClick(id)}/>

/// --- Show ---
export const ShowContact = (props) => (
  <Show {...props} actions={<ShowActionsOnTopToolbar/>} title={<ContactTitle/>}>
      <TextField source="id"/>
      <TextField source="name"/>
      <TextField source="numbers.number" label="Number"/>
      <TextField source="numbers.type" label="Type Call"/>

  • I understood what was right for this case: use the react-router-dom, <ListItem key={id} button onClick={() => history.push(/contacts/${id}/show)} > Commented Dec 11, 2020 at 21:11

1 Answer 1


This is what you need to do; replace Typography with your component


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