I'm using Omnifaces websocket. Session is never timeout. I tried with jsf websocket. There's the same result. When I go to another page that doesn't use websocket and stays at that page, session will expire normally. Here are example of my codes xhtml with javascript:
<o:socket channel="message" onmessage="onMessage" />
and function onMessage as
function onMessage(message, channel, event) {
var newBcMsgs = document.getElementById("topF\:newMsgs");
if (!isEmpty(newBcMsgs)) {
addClass(newBcMsgs, "active");
addClass(newBcMsgs, "text-warning");
sessionStorage.setItem(document.getElementById('usernameTop').innerHTML, "news");
In managedbean with ApplicationScoped(import omnifaces.cdi.Push, PushContext) :
@Push(channel = "message")
private PushContext pushMessage;
public void sendMessage(final String msgs) {
logger.debug("send a msgs now: {}", () -> msgs);
I'm using Omnifaces 3.6 with Payara 5.201 Jakartee 8. So, what should I do or correct for allowing session expried if there're long idle times?