I'm looking at creating my first Directus interface. Has anyone had any success using the vue-datetime picker (https://github.com/mariomka/vue-datetime) as part of a Directus interface? Is there another way to create a Directus date-time picker?
1 Answer
Now days chrome and firefox has their own pickers for the <input type="date">
. If you want to do you own just follow the instructions of
This intructions are for creating a interface https://github.com/directus/directus/blob/main/docs/guides/extensions/interfaces.md
Use the actual date interface from the admin app for inspiration. https://github.com/directus/directus/tree/main/app/src/interfaces/datetime
The process to make a extension is simple
- Create the extension with the toolkit.
- Add Vue code.
- Add your interface to a table