I know this had been asked several times, but the other solutions don't work for me so the problem may be somewhere else.
In a dependent project I require a package like this:
"require": {
"drupal/security_review": "dev-8.x-1.x#35ebae44"
but composer update
fails with the reason:
package/name dev-master requires drupal/security_review dev-8.x-1.x#35ebae44
-> no matching package found.
For research purposes I fetched package info:
[local]$ composer show --all drupal/security_review
name : drupal/security_review
descrip. : Site security and configuration review module.
keywords :
versions : 1.x-dev, dev-1.x
type : drupal-module
source : [git] https://git.drupal.org/project/security_review 9a3bdf82a645dabb9801f73d2d76acf8c3081d88
source : http://cgit.drupalcode.org/security_review
drupal/core ~8.0
and then tried to use the version in place of branch omitting "dev-" part from the version as it goes as prefix:
"require": {
"drupal/security_review": "dev-1.x#35ebae44"
And this went differently:
[local]$ composer update
- Installing drupal/security_review (dev-1.x 9a3bdf8): Cloning 9a3bdf82a6
As you see it fetches commit #9a3bdf8 instead of the requested - #35ebae44.
Any ideas?