I have two default windows. I want one window starts a work, shows another window in the modal (dialog) form (progress indicating, but now it is not important), then closes it after this work has been finished. I have the following problems in my implementation:
1) after the work completes ("Completed!" message box shows up, but it also is not important and is just indication), the ProgressWindow doesn't close automatically;
2) if I close it by clicking manually the red cross, the System.InvalidOperationException with the message "The calling thread cannot access this object because a different thread owns it." occurs at the line
await task;
3) the code in ContinueWith actually is performed BEFORE the Go method finishes - why?
How can I achieve such a behavior?
My implementation:
namespace WpfApp1
public partial class MainWindow : Window
public MainWindow()
async void Window_MouseLeftButtonDown(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
Window w = new ProgressWindow();
var task =
.Run(() => Go())
.ContinueWith(completedTask => w.Close());
await task; // InvalidOperationException throws
async protected void Go()
await Task.Delay(500); // imitate some work
MessageBox.Show("Completed!"); // indicate that work has been completed
block? How would you ever know the task completed without the user closing the dialog anyway? I'm thinking you need to pass the task to the dialog as a parameter andawait
it somewhere there. The window can close itself when the task is completed.