I'm attempting to implement the Adaptive function plotting algorithm using the psuedocode from these two examples (both examples the same really)
https://www.andr.mu/logs/acquiring-samples-to-plot-a-math-function-adaptive/ http://yacas.readthedocs.io/en/latest/book_of_algorithms/basic.html
The problems I've encountered (from my probably incorrect implementation) are:
(1) Duplicated coordinates are being created. I know this is because of the splitting, where both ends are kept for each spilt, so the end of one interval is the start of the other interval - same x value evaluated twice. But is there a way to setup the algorithm to avoid deplicated coordinates. I could avoid adding the start or end coordinate as a dirty fix (see comment in code below) but then I'd be missing one them for the whole interval.
(2) Some parts of the plot are missing coordinates for what is essentially a symmetrical function, which is strange. The algorithm should work the same way for both sides, yet it doesn't. This starts to happen when depth >= 6, it does an extra split to the right side of the function and nothing for the left side around the origin. The rest of the coordinates away from the origin seem to match up. The right side seems to get more splits than the left side overall.
Problem (2)
My Implementation of algorithm
static List<Double[]> linePoints;
public static void main(String[] args) {
linePoints = new ArrayList<>();
double startX = -50;
double endX = 50;
sampling(startX, endX, depth, tolerance);
/* Print all points to be plotted - x,y coordinates */
for (Double[] point : linePoints) {
/* math function */
public static double f(double x){
return x*Math.sin(x);
static int depth = 6; /* 8 */
static double tolerance = 0.005; /* just a guess */
/* Adaptive sampling algorithm */
/* mostly followed along 2st website and used 1st website variable names */
public static void sampling(double xa, double xc, int depth, double tolerance){
/* step (1) of 2nd website - determine mid-intervals */
double xb = (xa+xc)/2; /* (xc-xa)/2; tried these from 1st website - didn't work out */
double xab = (xa+xb)/2; /* (xb-xa)/2; */
double xbc = (xb+xc)/2; /* (xc-xb)/2; */
/* evaluate the above points using math function - store in array */
double[] points = new double[5];
points[0] = f(xa); points[1] = f(xab); points[2] = f(xb); points[3] = f(xbc); points[4] = f(xc);
/* step (2) of 2nd website */
if (depth <= 0){
linePoints.add(new Double[]{xa, points[0]}); /* either I comment out this line for dirty fix */
linePoints.add(new Double[]{xab, points[1]});
linePoints.add(new Double[]{xb, points[2]});
linePoints.add(new Double[]{xbc, points[3]});
linePoints.add(new Double[]{xc, points[4]}); /* or comment out this line */
} else {
/* step (3) of 2nd website */
int counter = 0;
for (int i = 1; i < points.length-1; i++){
/* Check if prev, current, next values are infinite or NaN */
if ( (Double.isInfinite(points[i-1]) || Double.isNaN(points[i-1])) ||
(Double.isInfinite(points[i]) || Double.isNaN(points[i])) ||
(Double.isInfinite(points[i+1]) || Double.isNaN(points[i+1]))){
/* Determine the fluctuations - if current is < or > both it's left/right neighbours */
boolean middleLarger = (points[i] > points[i-1]) && (points[i] > points[i+1]);
boolean middleSmaller = (points[i] < points[i-1]) && (points[i] < points[i+1]);
if (middleLarger || middleSmaller){
if (counter <= 2){ /* at most 2 */
/* Newton-Cotes quadratures - check if smooth enough */
double f1 = (3d/8d)*points[0]+(19d/24d)*points[1]-(5d/24d)*points[2]+(1d/24d)*points[3]; /* add 'd' to end of number, otherwise get 0 always */
double f2 = (5d/12d)*points[2]+(2d/3d)*points[3]-(1d/12d)*points[4];
if (Math.abs(f1-f2) < tolerance * f2){
linePoints.add(new Double[]{xa, points[0]});
linePoints.add(new Double[]{xab, points[1]});
linePoints.add(new Double[]{xb, points[2]});
linePoints.add(new Double[]{xbc, points[3]});
linePoints.add(new Double[]{xc, points[4]});
} else {
/* not smooth enough - needs more refinement */
tolerance *= 2;
sampling(xa, xb, depth, tolerance);
sampling(xb, xc, depth, tolerance);
} else {
/* else (count > 2), that means further splittings are needed to produce more accurate samples */
tolerance *= 2;
sampling(xa, xb, depth, tolerance);
sampling(xb, xc, depth, tolerance);
FIX - Modifications to my code
Looking at Gene's example and multiplying the tolerance by 0.5 instead of 2 seemed to fix problem (2)
Genes example is a better and cleaner implementation of this algorithm and handles the duplicated coordinates