I am unable to make it work. The popup calling code is

        //alert('invoke popup')
      let popover = this.popoverCtrl.create(PopoverPage, this.data);
            ev: myEvent

and the part where i need to access currently is:

export class PopoverPage{

  constructor(public viewCtrl: ViewController) {
   // alert('in the popup')  

So how will the data be avaialbe in the popupover page component ?

2 Answers 2


Parameters/data can be passed to the Popover like this

let popover = this.popoverCtrl.create(PopoverPage, {key1:value1, key2: value2});

And then you can use NavParams to retrieve the data passed to the Popover.

    export class PopoverPage{        
      constructor(public navParams:NavParams) {
       let value1 = this.navParams.get('key1');
       let value2 = this.navParams.get('key2');

For ionic v4, you can send data using componentProps to pass data and retrieve through navParams.

const popover = await this.popoverController.create({
      component: PopoverPage,
      componentProps:{key1:value1, key2: value2}
    return await popover.present()
  • Also, you can get data in popover component and via View Controller, which is a more correct way: import { ViewController } from 'ionic-angular'; export class PopoverComponent { constructor( public viewCtrl: ViewController ) {} // here we are getting data object which we set in parent component public data: any= this.viewCtrl.data; } Commented May 24, 2018 at 14:04
  • @nikola.maksimovic thats interesting... I will have to check and update.. The doc doesnt seem to show that property..
    – Suraj Rao
    Commented May 24, 2018 at 14:21
  • 1
    what is method in ionic 4. I got undefined in ionic 4 for this method
    – sainu
    Commented Apr 5, 2019 at 5:49
  • Ya I got it. In ionic 4 there is a property called componentProps in PopoverController Description:The data to pass to the popover component. Type :{ [key: string]: any; }. And we can retrieve it as same as ionic 3, means as NavParams @SurajRao
    – sainu
    Commented Apr 5, 2019 at 7:40

You have to pass this.data as an json object, after then you can access the value with key.

Calling popup code:

    //alert('invoke popup')
  this.data = {data_key:'your_value'};
  let popover = this.popoverCtrl.create(PopoverPage, this.data);
        ev: myEvent

Accessing value from popover:

export class PopoverPage{
  constructor(public viewCtrl: ViewController,public navParams:NavParams) {
     // alert('in the popup');

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