I am struggling to use Rails' ActiveRecord query interface to replicate a query that has an inner join subquery. How would I replicate the following:
SELECT ass.name, COUNT(DISTINCT a.question_id) AS
answered_questions, tq.total_questions
FROM assessments AS ass
INNER JOIN (SELECT ass.id, COUNT(q.id) AS total_questions FROM
questions AS q INNER JOIN assessments AS ass ON ass.id=q.assessment_id
ass.id) as tq ON tq.id=ass.id
INNER JOIN questions AS q ON q.assessment_id=ass.id
INNER JOIN answers AS a ON a.assessment_id=ass.id AND a.question_id=q.id
INNER JOIN org_assesments AS oa ON ass.id=oa.assessment_id
INNER JOIN users AS u ON oa.org_id=u.org_id AND
WHERE u.id=1
GROUP BY ass.name, tq.total_questions
ORDER BY ass.created_at DESC
I don't seem to be able to get this to work with the subquery using the query builder. Without the subquery I have this, which works and gives me the assessment title and number of questions answered:
Question.joins(:assessment => {:org_assessments => {:org => :users}}).joins(:answers)
.where(answers:{:user_id => params[:id]})
How can I write this to include the subquery as in the original SQL above?
?Assessment.find_by_sql("Above query")