I trying to connect to an SQL Server in PHP. With XAMPP on my local machine, everything works well. But now I going to bring my application on the production server.
On this server there is installed the Microsoft IIS 6.1
and running the PHP version 7.0.7
. I also installed the ODBC Driver from here. Next I decomment the following line in my php.ini file:
I got the files from the official microsoft site.
What's my problem?
Unfortunately, after I restarted the IIS. The PDO function throws the PDOException error with the following message:
could not find driver
For the connection I am using the following function which works pretty well on my local machine:
try {
$con = new PDO("sqlsrv:Server=" . SERVER . ";Database=" . DATABASE, USERNAME, PASSWORD);
// set the PDO error mode to exception
} catch (PDOException $e) {
echo "No connection: " . $e->getMessage();
What can I else do?