I mean, the two tags have the same height.

6 Answers 6


Try this for all divs.

  • +1 display:inline isn't flexible enough and floats are messy!
    – David Tang
    Commented Dec 3, 2010 at 4:18

Simple: use <span>s instead.

<div> by default have display: block, meaning the next element will be on a new line.

You can change them to display: inline to get the behavior you want. But remember that an inline <div> is just a <span>.


Float them with css:

float: left

Use a div container and put inside all your divs.

    display: flex;
    flex-direction: row;

That easy!


Make them float:


<div class="container1"></div>
<div class="container2"></div>
<div class="clear"></div>


.clear { clear: both; }
.container1, .container2 { float: left; } 

You have to clear the float.. so use clear both :)


Float messes up my page center alignment. Here's what I got, I want to get 2 and 3 on the same row without losing the page centering. Float doesn't work because when I resize the browser,it moves with it.

<meta http-equiv="Content-Language" content="en-us">
<style type="text/css">
.div1 {
   background: #faa;
   width: 500;

.div2 {
  background: #ffc;
  width: 400;
  margin-right: 100px;
.div3 {
  background: #cfc;
  width: 100;
  margin-left: 400px;




<div class="div1"> This is no 1</div>
<div class="div2"> This is no 2</div>
<div class="div3"> This is no 3</div>


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