I am working on an analysis tool for which I need MUMPS sample code. Can anyone provide me MUMPS live code or sample code? Also suggest some links for same.
7 Answers
This is some MUMPS i wrote for fun. I guess if you can analyze this, your tool works:
Q N R,Q,C,D,E,W,B,G,H,S,T,U,V,F,L,P,N,J,A S N=$G(N),Q='N,F=Q+Q,P=F+F,W=$L($T(Q))
S W=$E(W,Q),S='N_+N,W=W-F*S,L=$G(L),R=$C(Q_F_P),R(F)=$C(F+Q_F),R(P)=$C(W-F) W #
S T=$E($T(Q+F),F,W\S)_$C(W+S+F) X T S B=$P(T,$C(P_P),F),C=B\(W*W),D=B-(C*W*W)\W
F G=S-Q:F:S+F+Q S E=B-(C*W*W+(D*W)),H=$E($T(Q),G),@H=$S(@H<S:'Q,Q:N)_@H,T=C_D_E
F A=Q:Q:W\S S J=$E(T,A),C(F)=$S(J>(F+Q)&(J<(S-F)):Q,Q:+N),C(P)=$S(J#F:Q,Q:+N) D
.S C(Q)=$S(J<(S-F):+N,Q:Q),C(F+Q)=$S(J>Q&(J<(S-F))&(J'=(P+'L))&(J'=(P)):Q,Q:+N)
.S H('L)=L F S H(N?.E)=$O(C(H('$G(N)))) Q:H('+L)=L S F(A,H('L))=C(H(W[(W\S)))
F U=Q:Q:P W !,R F V=Q:Q:P+F W $S(F(V,U):'Q,Q:$C(P_(W\S))) W:'(V#F) $C('N_F_F+F)
W !!,R(F)_C_R(P)_D_R(P)_E_R(F) X $RE($E($T(Q),Q+F,P+Q))_R(P)_'N W # G:N=L Q+F Q
look ma, no literals!
This outputs a binary clock:
1If you wrote that, you've got serious thrill issues :-) Commented Sep 5, 2018 at 17:12
1Using Q as a variable name and function name when it's also a keyword...yikes. Commented Mar 5, 2022 at 18:57
GitHub actually host many MUMPS software, but it unfortunatly get tagged as Objective-C or Matlab so it is not easy to search for MUMPS code over there. Here are some projects I know are done at least partially using MUMPS :
I don't think any of this will be enough for analysis purposes, but there are a lot of small examples at M[UMPS] by Example. There's also some lengthy samples on the MUMPS Wikipedia page. I don't know if they are stand alone or not. Haven't tested them myself.
VistA is an open source EMR for the Veteran's Administration written on MUMPS. You can download it off of the VistA wiki here: OpenVistA Download Page
I haven't tried to download it myself, so you may need to install MUMPS to get access to the source. Good Luck!
Look here:
Scroll down to (or search for) the section heading "Appendix 6" (without the double-quotes).
HTH Nathan
Here is the sample piece of code, to loop though a global, traverse it and print the data in the terminal.
S TC=""
. S LogDT=""
. F S LogDT=$O(^TCLOG(TC,LogDT)) Q:LogDT="" D
. . S Type=""
. . F S Type=$O(^TCLOG(TC,LogDT,Type)) Q:Type="" D
. . . Q:Type'="UPDATE"
. . . S LogData=$G(^TCLOG(TC,LogDT,"UPDATE"))
. . . W !,LogData
And find the below link for some more reference http://www.vistapedia.com/index.php/MUMPS_Code_Examples
Here's "hello world": w "Hello world!",!
The w
is an abbreviation of write
- either is acceptable but the abbreviation is more idiomatic. The literal !
is a newline.
Here's a fibonacci implementation, first without abbreviations then with
if $data(cache(value))=1 quit cache(value)
set cache(value)=$$innerFibonacci(value-1,.cache)+$$innerFibonacci(value-2,.cache)
quit cache(value)
new cache
set cache(0)=1
set cache(1)=1
quit $$innerFibonacci(value,.cache)
Here's the same thing with the more idiomatic abbreviations:
i $d(cache(value))=1 q cache(value)
s cache(value)=$$innerFibonacci(value-1,.cache)+$$innerFibonacci(value-2,.cache)
q cache(value)
n cache
s cache(0)=1
s cache(1)=1
q $$innerFibonacci(value,.cache)
Now - recursion in MUMPS is a pretty dangerous thing to do because the MUMPS interpreter won't automatically convert tail recursions to iterations - so this could easily blow up for a large value.
Here's a little more "MUMPS-y" example, one that actually leverages MUMPS' single data structure, which is essentially a sorted array whose indices can be numbers or strings. Prefixing these arrays with ^
saves to disk. The $
things are functions built in to the language. The q:
is a postcondition on the quit
command, meaning 'quit if person is equal to ""'.
Here it is without abbreviations, then with:
new person
for set person=$order(people(person)) quit:person="" do
. set ^PEOPLE(person,"favoriteFood")=$get(food(person))
Now with abbrevs:
n person
f s person=$o(people(person)) q:person="" d
. s ^PEOPLE(person,"favoriteFood")=$g(food(person))