I have created a script that animates the height of an element in 500ms.
The timer works fine but I am struggling to make the height increase consistently.
How do I animate the height smoothly within the time period? It jumps at the moment.
I want to replace the following with something smarter:
self.startHeight + 5
I imagine it has something to do with the speed and elapsed time?
(function () {
'use strict';
var animator = {};
animator.endHeight = 200; //The end height
animator.interval = null; //Create a variable to hold our interval
animator.speed = 500; //500ms
animator.startHeight = 0; //The start height
animator.animate = function (el) {
var self = this,
startTime = Date.now(); //Get the start time
this.interval = setInterval(function () {
var elapsed = Date.now() - startTime, //Work out the elapsed time
maxHeight = self.maxHeight; //Cache the max height
//If the elapsed time is less than the speed (500ms)
if (elapsed < self.speed) {
console.log('Still in the timeframe');
//If the client height is less than the max height (200px)
if (el.clientHeight < self.endHeight) {
self.startHeight = self.startHeight + 5; //Adjust the height
el.style.height = self.startHeight + 'px'; //Animate the height
} else {
console.log('Stop and clear the interval');
el.style.height = self.endHeight + 'px';
}, 16); //60FPS
Thanks in advance!
Carorus gave a great answer below. I have updated my jsfiddle so you can see the final code working:
Typhoon posted a great link in relation to the browser FPS:
How to determine the best "framerate" (setInterval delay) to use in a JavaScript animation loop?
I would probably use request animation frame instead of a setInterval:
Cheers all!