I updated my app for Apple Watch, but I should have weighed it too much and now it's definitely slow. I can't understand the reasons of this slowdown so I would like to debug app but I don't know how to do that because in the simulator app works normally, slowdowns manifest only on the device.
I tried running app directly from xCode on Watch but once xCode launched the installation of the app on the Watch, it stops the run so I can't see what happens while running (for instance when run certain breakpoint or otherwise do us debug).
Does anyone have an idea of what's the right way to debug on a physical Apple Watch?
P.S.: For instance, this code:
func clearScreen() {
func defaultLabels() {
feesLabel.setText(NSLocalizedString ("FEES", comment: "Commissioni"))
addMenuItemWithItemIcon(.Decline, title: NSLocalizedString("CAN_CEL", comment: ""), action: "clearScreen")
if DefaultParameter.sharedInstance.wishMode == true {
addMenuItemWithImage(UIImage(named: "will")! , title: NSLocalizedString("WILL_RECEIVE", comment: ""), action: "willWishButtonPressed")
receivedLabel.setText(NSLocalizedString ("DESIRED_AMOUNT", comment: ""))
} else {
addMenuItemWithImage(UIImage(named: "wish")! , title: NSLocalizedString("WISH_RECEIVE", comment: ""), action: "willWishButtonPressed")
receivedLabel.setText(NSLocalizedString ("RECEIVED_AMOUNT", comment: ""))
takes around 7 seconds to run...