First time using the csvReader - note it requires a custom class that defines the Headers found in the CSV file.
class DataRecord
//Should have properties which correspond to the Column Names in the file
public String Amount { get; set; }
public String InvoiceDate { get; set; }......
The example given then uses the class such:-
using (var sr = new StreamReader(@"C:\\Data\\Invoices.csv"))
var reader = new CsvReader(sr);
//CSVReader will now read the whole file into an enumerable
IEnumerable<DataRecord> records = reader.GetRecords<DataRecord>();
//First 5 records in CSV file will be printed to the Output Window
foreach (DataRecord record in records.Take(5))
Debug.Print("{0} {1}, {2}", record.Amount, record.InvoiceDate, ....);
Two questions :- 1. The app will be loading in files with differing headers so I need to be able to update this class on the fly - is this possible & how? (I am able to extract the headers from the CSV file.)
- CSV file is potentially multi millions of rows (gb size) so is this the best / most efficient way of importing the file.
Destination is a SQLite DB - debug line is used as example.