
I'm new to C++.
So I found this reverse code on the internet. My prof. told me to make a palindrome checker, so I look for the reverse first.
Here is what I made

void main() 
    int num;
    int new_num = 0;
    int dummy;

    cout << "Masukkan angka";
    cin >> num;

    dummy = num;
    cout << dummy << endl;

    while (num > 0)
        new_num = new_num*10 + (num % 10);
        num = num/10;
    cout << new_num << endl;

    if ( new_num == dummy)
        cout << "true";


The most confusing part is this

while(num > 0)
    new_num = new_num*10 + (num % 10);
    num = num/10;
cout << new_num << endl;

I found this on the internet and I don't know how it works. Can someone explain how this code can reverse the number I input? Like when I input 12345, the output would be 54321. I can't understand.

  • 2
    Try using a debugger or drawing with pencil and paper. Commented Sep 26, 2014 at 14:55
  • 1
    Look up for modulus operation , multiplication, division and addition, and some basics how the decimal numbers system works. Commented Sep 26, 2014 at 14:56
  • *10, %10 and /10 operations typically signify operations on decimal digits. Commented Sep 26, 2014 at 14:56
  • 1
    Do you understand the expression % 10? Commented Sep 26, 2014 at 14:56
  • 4
    Horrible formatting, and no idea how much you need explained: unclear/too broad Commented Sep 26, 2014 at 14:56

3 Answers 3


Its talking the last char of your input by using modulo.

input is: 12345

Cycle 1:

  1. new_num is 0, multiply by 10 give 0.
  2. add modulo or your input 12345 % 10 = 5, new_num is now 5.
  3. divide your input by 10 to remove last digit. input = 1234

Cycle 2,3,4 etc.:

  1. new_num is 5, multiply by 10 gives 50.
  2. add modulo or your input 1234 % 10 = 4, new_num is now 54.
  3. divide your input by 10 to remove last digit. input = 123

I have taken the liberty to modify your source, and provide it in a more readable format

int inputNumber = 123;
int reversedNumber = 0;

cout << "The input number is " << inputNumber << endl;

while (inputNumber > 0) {
    reversedNumber = reversedNumber*10 + inputNumber%10;
    inputNumber = inputNumber/10;
cout << "The reversed number is " << reversedNumber << endl;

First of all, always use meaningful variables.
It will be more helpful while reading your code.

Now on to the explanation,
The modulo operator gives the remainder (not quotient!) of a division, i.e. 5%2 = 1.

In the while loop,
1) We keep over-writing reversedNumber by changing (increasing) its decimal position (multiply by 10) and adding the remainder of the division of inputNumber and 10
2) We over-write reversedNumber by changing (decreasing) its decimal position (divide by 10).

I encourage you to actually trace out the program on paper, or printing the variable's values (debugging?) to see how this operation works.


First take a look at what num % 10 does:

#include <iostream>

int main() {
  for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i) {
    std::cout << i << " % 10 = " << i % 10 << '\n';


Do you see the pattern? This expression basically just gets the least significant decimal digit from a number.

You should know the pattern in new_num*10 without even looking, since we learned this in elementary school math: It shifts the digits to the left one place.

Then if you think about what addition will do in this case, new_num*10 + num % 10, you should see that adding a number in the range [0..9] to an integer where the lowest digit is zero, will just replace that zero with the new digit.

num/10 shifts digits to the right, and since it's using integral division the fractional parts are discarded.

So all together we have:

int remove_last_digit(int value) { return value / 10; }

int get_last_digit(int value) { return value % 10; }

int push_digit(int value, int digit) {
  return value * 10 + digit;

bool has_more_digits(int value) { return value != 0; }

int reverse_int(int value) {
  int reversed_value = 0;
  while ( has_more_digits(value)) {
    reversed_value = push_digit(reversed_value, get_last_digit(value));
    value = remove_last_digit(value);
  return reversed_value;

Think of a number as digits piled on top of each other. If you take the top digit and put it on top of a second pile, and keep doing that until the first pile is empty, then the digits in the second pile are now stacked in the reverse order.

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