I have three tables jobs,categories and job_categories with similar to below structure:


 id title desc

id name

id job_id category_id

So I want to retrieve all the jobs belongs to a particular category. For that I wrote an action view() in CategoriesController.php

function view($category_id =  NULL)
          if($category_id != NULL)
              $conditions['JobCategory']['category_id'] = $category_id; 
              $all_jobs = $this->Job->find('all',array('conditions' => $conditions));

And added a $hasMany to Category.php model:

class Category extends AppModel {

    var $name = 'Category';
    var $hasMany = array('JobCategory');

But when I checked the view , it shows error:

Error: SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column 'JobCategory' in 'where clause' and the query it generates :

SELECT Job.id, Job.job_title, Job.job_description, Job.job_skills, Job.contact_number, Job.contact_email, Job.qualification_id, Job.experience, Job.categories, Job.remarks, Job.support_image, Job.freshers_apply, Job.added_on, Job.status, Qualification.id, Qualification.name FROM cakead.jobs AS Job LEFT JOIN cakead.qualifications AS Qualification ON (Job.qualification_id = Qualification.id) WHERE JobCategory = ('1')

1 Answer 1


try this


public $actAs = array('Containable');


class Category extends AppModel {

    var $name = 'Category';
    var $hasAndBelongsTo = array('Category');


function view($category_id =  NULL)
          if($category_id != NULL)
              $conditions['Category']['id'] = $category_id; 
              $all_jobs = $this->Category->find('all',array('conditions' => $conditions));

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