I have a Spring MVC application. UI makes some asynchronous requests to back end. Backend processes the requests and sends the response. Current implementation is done with the help of queues and listeners.
I want to replace it with Web Sockets.
I understand that JDK 7 supports websockets out of the box.
My application gets deployed on different servers like Tomcat 6.0, WebSphere Application Server etc. Would it make any difference?

Spring MVC does not support WebSocket so what is the work aorund?


2 Answers 2


There's no support for WebSockets in Spring 3.2 There's a log for it in Spring 4 here

There's also a blog post about how to use it in Spring 4 here


Spring released 4.0 GA which supports Websocket, tomcat 7.0.47+ will be required for the websocket implementation. http://spring.io/blog/2013/12/12/announcing-spring-framework-4-0-ga-release

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