I have a table such as :

Year | Month
2011    10   
2011    11   
2012    5   
2012    6 

The query should return the latest "Month" for the latest "year".

Currently I'm doing something like

Select MAX("Month") from table where "Year" in (select MAX("Year") from table)

But I'm not satisfied with query. Can someone suggest a more compact and cleaner way?

  • I think your query is clear enough apart from the in statement. I think the select MAX(Year) return a single value so you need an = sign instead of in.
    – Ertunç
    Commented Oct 16, 2012 at 5:59

2 Answers 2


try this

select top 1
from table
order by "Year" desc, "Month" desc

all right, for MySQL I think it should be

from table
order by "Year" desc, "Month" desc
limit 1
  • Yes, I'm more SQL Server person, I've edited post with suggestion for MySQL, I can not try it - have no MySQL access
    – roman
    Commented Oct 16, 2012 at 6:00
  • Except for identifier quoting, which in MySQL should use backticks rather than double-quotes (which indicate a string literal), this looks fine.
    – eggyal
    Commented Oct 16, 2012 at 7:35

try this:

select t1.months from
(select top 1 t.months as months,max(t.years) as years from
(select years,max(months) as months from cal group by years) t
group by t.months) t1

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