I have string column "49b8b35e-b62c-4a42-9d73-192d131d127a,03c8a7e0-5153-11ec-873a-0242ac11000a,eec8aee4-0500-4940-b319-15924cc2d248"
this string column has 3 values separate by ",". (value1,value2,value3). there is no guarantees that vaule2 and value3 need to be present always. but value1 does always.
so i need to split this single column into 3 different columns keeping the above conditions of thier existancetheir existence in mind and they need to be separated by before "," into a new column.
i have sofarso far wrote as
select regexp_extract('49b8b35e-b62c-4a42-9d73-192d131d127a,03c8a7e0-5153-11ec-873a-0242ac11000a,eec8aee4-0500-4940-b319-15924cc2d248', '^(.+?),') as value1
select regexp_extract('49b8b35e-b62c-4a42-9d73-192d131d127a,03c8a7e0-5153-11ec-873a-0242ac11000a,eec8aee4-0500-4940-b319-15924cc2d248', '^(.+?),') as value1
but after that my logic and thinking giving errors and no luck to me. please suggest.