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As examples of the lack of orthogonality in a high-level language, consider the following rules and exceptions in C. Although C has two kinds of structured data types, arrays and records (structs), records can be returned from functions but arrays cannot. A member of a structure can be any data type except void or a structure of the same type. An array element can be any data type except void or a functionFrom Robert W. Parameters are passed by value, unless they are arrays, in which case they are, in effect, passed by reference (because the appearance of an array name without a subscript in a C program is interpreted to be the addressSebesta's "Concepts of the array’s first element)Programming Languages":

As examples of the lack of orthogonality in a high-level language, consider the following rules and exceptions in C. Although C has two kinds of structured data types, arrays and records (structs), records can be returned from functions but arrays cannot. A member of a structure can be any data type except void or a structure of the same type. An array element can be any data type except void or a function. Parameters are passed by value, unless they are arrays, in which case they are, in effect, passed by reference (because the appearance of an array name without a subscript in a C program is interpreted to be the address of the array’s first element)

As examples of the lack of orthogonality in a high-level language, consider the following rules and exceptions in C. Although C has two kinds of structured data types, arrays and records (structs), records can be returned from functions but arrays cannot. A member of a structure can be any data type except void or a structure of the same type. An array element can be any data type except void or a function. Parameters are passed by value, unless they are arrays, in which case they are, in effect, passed by reference (because the appearance of an array name without a subscript in a C program is interpreted to be the address of the array’s first element)

From Robert W. Sebesta's "Concepts of Programming Languages":

As examples of the lack of orthogonality in a high-level language, consider the following rules and exceptions in C. Although C has two kinds of structured data types, arrays and records (structs), records can be returned from functions but arrays cannot. A member of a structure can be any data type except void or a structure of the same type. An array element can be any data type except void or a function. Parameters are passed by value, unless they are arrays, in which case they are, in effect, passed by reference (because the appearance of an array name without a subscript in a C program is interpreted to be the address of the array’s first element)

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As examples of the lack of orthogonality in a high-level language, consider the following rules and exceptions in C. Although C has two kinds of structured data types, arrays and records (structs), records can be returned from functions but arrays cannot. A member of a structure can be any data type except void or a structure of the same type. An array element can be any data type except void or a function. Parameters are passed by value, unless they are arrays, in which case they are, in effect, passed by reference (because the appearance of an array name without a subscript in a C program is interpreted to be the address of the array’s first element)