Papers by Irina Mironenko
Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Psychology
The article discusses the place and significance of the scientific heritage of M. I. Vladislavlev... more The article discusses the place and significance of the scientific heritage of M. I. Vladislavlev (1840–1890) and analyzes the scientific heritage of Vladislavlev, discusses its significance and relevance in the context of modern trends in post-nonclassical science. This scholar, who wrote fundamental works on psychology, was well-known, and even held the post of rector of St Petersburg University, was forgotten due to a discrepancy between his methodological preferences and the methodology and ideology on which Russian science of the 20th century as based. After an internship in Germany, Vladislavlev defended his master’s thesis “Modern trends in the science of the soul”, published later, and worked at St Petersburg University. In 1885–1887 he was dean of the Faculty of History and Philosophy, and rector from 1987 until his death in 1990. His students included the likes of A. I. Vvedensky, N. Ya. Groth, N. N. Lange and others. Vladislavlev’s psychological views are detailed in thre...
Psikhologicheskii zhurnal
Psikhologicheskii zhurnal, 2021
We introduce a variant of international cultural psychology, insufficiently known to the Russian ... more We introduce a variant of international cultural psychology, insufficiently known to the Russian reader, the leader of which is Jaan Valsiner. It differs significantly in its methodological principles and orientations from most related to cultural psychology, both international and Russian. In a certain sense, the methodology of the school of dynamic semiosis seems to be an alternative to the modern development of the discourse of cultural psychology in Russia. Russian cultural psychological discourse primarily moves towards a general humanitarian synthesis, with a focus on the intersection of the humanitarian subject area of psychology with the humanities, while cultural psychology of Jaan Valsiner represents a movement of trans-subject synthesis, embrasing not only the humanities, but the entire scientific sphere, including the exact and natural sciences, along with the humanities. Thus, the task of “vertical” integration of psychological knowledge, that is, the integration of nat...
Psychology in Russia, 2020
Background. In the context of the current globalization of culture and civilization, internationa... more Background. In the context of the current globalization of culture and civilization, international science has become global. Formation of a global science, able to comprehend the emerging global world, is impossible without the full integration of "local" scientific traditions and systems of social and humanitarian knowledge, which are new to the Western-centered mainstream. This situation challenges "local" psychological schools, and at the same time opens up new perspectives for their development. A prerequisite for integration is overcoming language barriers. For Russian psychology, the language factor is of special significance, because the conceptual apparatus here has formed based on the Russian language, and translating Russian texts into foreign languages requires not only language skills but also hermeneutics in relation to the conceptual apparatus. Objective. Of special difficulty is the translation of the concept of "субъект" (Subjekt), which is central to the Russian psychological tradition. Like the concept of "Personality, " it relates to the sphere of integral aspects and manifestations of human existence. The question of how these two concepts relate, remains acutely debatable, despite the fact that the Russian scientific community has already spent considerable efforts on the methodological elaboration of each of them. This makes it difficult for scientists to communicate and impedes translating scientific texts. This article concentrates on the problem of translating the concept of "Subjekt. " Conclusion. Difficulties encountered by foreign colleagues are analyzed; the different interpretations of the concept in contemporary Russian psychology are highlighted. A solution to the problem of translation of the concept is proposed.
Психологический журнал
Ключевые слова: глобальная психология; " туземные " психологии ... more Ключевые слова: глобальная психология; " туземные " психологии (IndigenousPsychologies (IPs)); но-визна объектов и предметов исследования психологии в глобальном мире; научное психологическое сообщество; интеграция и дифференциация мировой науки; место и роль российской психологии в мировой науке. Аннотация. Анализируется процесс формирования глобальной науки в современном мире, пред-полагающий как появление новых объектов и предметов исследований, так и изменение сово-купного субъекта исследовательской деятельности – научного сообщества. Показывается, что глобализация психологической науки включает не только процессы интеграции, но и процессы дифференциации мировой науки, в ходе которых подвергаются сомнению устоявшиеся в мейн-стриме второй половины ХХ века теоретические представления о человеческой природе и мето-дологические основания этих теорий. Рассматривается формирование глобальной психологии как многополюсного сетевого образования не в качестве единого теоретического течения, а скорее, как дивергентное развитие новых и переосмысленных старых психологических теорий в попыт-ках дать объяснение современным эмпирическим реалиям, порождаемым современным миром. Предлагается глобальную психологическую науку определить как этап в ее развитии, порожден-ный новой реальностью, для описания которой лишь ограниченно годятся старые теории. При этом дискурс глобальной психологии направлен на становление научной дисциплины, способ-ной адекватно ответить на вызовы времени, отразить психологию ныне живущего человека. От-мечается, что в зарубежной науке он в целом позитивно воспринимается в контексте становления новых школ, роста их разнообразия и освобождения от необходимости следовать устаревшим те-ориям. Представляется, что для российской науки необходим отказ от изоляционистских тенден-ций, активное участие в диалоге, развитие сотрудничества и интеграция на новом этапе развития мировой науки. Делается вывод о том, что в сети глобальной науки российская психология мо-жет занять достойное место, обладая серьезным теоретико-методологическим базисом и знани-ем психологических особенностей многомиллионного народа. В то же время, российская психо-логия может и должна сохранить свою специфичность, потому что именно своей уникальностью она может быть интересна и полезна, а значит – востребована. Исследование выполнено при финансовой поддержке РГНФ, грант № 17-06-50086 " Академическая интеграция в контек-сте становления глобальной психологии: вызовы и перспективы " .
Integrative Psychological and Behavioral Science
We comment on the article by Zagaria et al., which explicates the ““soft” nature of psychology: a... more We comment on the article by Zagaria et al., which explicates the ““soft” nature of psychology: a minor consensus in its “core”” (Zagaria et al., p. 1), manifested by the discordant character of definitions of psychological “core-constructs”. Zagaria et al. build on the assumption that psychological science should reside in the status of a paradigm, meanwhile the real state of things they consider as pre-paradigmatic, imperfect and unhealthy, from which a transition to a paradigm is necessary. We cannot agree with this provision. We argue that not internal coherence and consistency, but the ability to reflect multifaceted reality, to answer its innovative manifestations in various dimensions and solve tasks that life poses to humanity with an adequate set of different tools not reducible to a single approach, is what makes the value of science. Psychology originally developed as poly paradigmatic science, because its subject has a most complex nature, holistic, yet incorporating many aspects different in their essence and, therefore, requiring different versions of the methodology. Considering epistemology of psychological science from the philosophical perspective implying special focus on the ontological issues, we argue that poly paradigmatic structure of psychology is a virtue, not weakness. Thanks to such a structure, modular, like a Swiss knife, our science may offer the most effective solutions for a variety of problems. Multiplicity of relative approaches is best fit for life and innovation, even though we have to sacrifice rigor and concordance of definitions in introductory textbooks.
Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences
The formation of global science in the modern world implies both the emergence of new objects and... more The formation of global science in the modern world implies both the emergence of new objects and subjects of research and a change in the international scientific community. In the opinion of the authors, the globalization of psychological science determines not only integration but also differentiation of trends in world science. These processes challenge the mainstream theoretical ideas of the second half of the 20th century about human nature and the methodological foundations of the respective theories. The formation of global psychology as a multipolar network is viewed not as a single theoretical trend but rather as a divergent development of new and reconsidered old psychological concepts in an attempt to assess the modern empirical realities generated by the era of globalization. The authors propose to define global psychology as a stage in the development of psychological science, generated by the new reality, the assessment of which requires new approaches. The discourse of global psychology is directed to the establishment of a discipline that would respond adequately to the challenges of our time and reflect the psychological features of contemporary humans. The authors argue, that Russian science should actively participate in the dialogue and integration at this new stage, preserving at the same time its authentic identity, because it is its originality that can be of interest and, consequently, in demand on the part of international psychology.
Human Arenas
This article is a comment on Maria Lapoujade paper "Life Imaginaries in Gaseous Societies." Maria... more This article is a comment on Maria Lapoujade paper "Life Imaginaries in Gaseous Societies." Maria Lapoujade argues that due to the increase of pace of human, social life since modernity humanity finds itself in a deeply morally degraded and culturally diseased state. Thus, Lapoujade calls for efforts which need to be undertaken from all possible areas-the humanities, arts, sciences, religions, education, and politics-to the healing of the diseased aspects of contemporary humanity, efforts, aimed at curing our species from overall blind irrational cruelty by promoting positive, joyful "imaginaries." Viewing psychological science as a powerful creator of "imaginaries," I address the point whether psychology can and should contribute to that endeavor. Keywords Acceleration of the pace of human history. Contemporary social life. Virtualization. Globalization. Multicultural world. Anthropological problem in psychology. "Imaginaries" Human Arenas
Integrative psychological & behavioral science, Jun 1, 2018
In this paper I comment on the "Individual personality is best understood as process, not st... more In this paper I comment on the "Individual personality is best understood as process, not structure: A Confucian-inspired perspective" article by Peter Giordano (Culture & Psychology, 23(4), 502-518 (2017)), which addresses the question of how to comprehend a personality which is continuously changing and varying with changes in social contexts and situations. The issue which Giordano turns up I believe to be of great importance and topicality in the quickly changing globalizing contemporary world. Giordano's paper highlights an important problem in the development of contemporary personality psychology, but much remains to be clarified concerning his process-centric model. I introduce the theory of Boris Parygin, which can make a contribution to the discussion of personality as a process. Parygin's theory addresses the same issues that Giordano focuses on: human personality exists and develops in the context of social situation. Parygin's theoretical model of ...
Integrative psychological & behavioral science, Jun 1, 2018
This article takes as a starting point the critical analysis of attempts to define "culture&... more This article takes as a starting point the critical analysis of attempts to define "culture", offered by Jahoda in 2012. Basing on the observed proliferation of various, often contradicting, definitions of "culture" (for instance, trying to refer to its both internal and external aspects), Jahoda arrives at the conclusion that attempts to define the concept of "culture" are vain and useless and it is quite practicable simply to use the term without seeking to define it. We find it hard to agree with this statement. Elaborating on Jahoda reflections and drawing on the recent debates in social sciences, cultural studies and philosophy, we argue that seeking for the definition of culture is necessary in the context of contemporary development of social and humanitarian knowledge. Moreover, we claim that the debates about culture indicate the need for a large-scale methodological reorganization of the social and humanitarian sciences, in response to the nov...
Centrality of History for Theory Construction in Psychology, 2016
What factors determine whether the development of the history of psychology tends to history or t... more What factors determine whether the development of the history of psychology tends to history or to psychology? Danziger states that the history of psychology has become more a historical discipline than a psychological one, due to the “monocentric” character of the mainstream psychology of the second half of the twentieth century, with the complete dominance of the American tradition. When a unified assessment of theoretical developments of the past is generally secured, the history of psychology, like the history of mathematics or physics, loses connections with the actual context of scientific research in the field and turns to a historical agenda.
Psychology in Russia: State of the Art, 2015
This article begins by discussing the origins of the methodological crisis in psychology. In the ... more This article begins by discussing the origins of the methodological crisis in psychology. In the literature the idea of a permanent methodological crisis in psychology, lasting since the 1890s, dominates. We contest this view and argue that the contemporary methodological problems in psychology should be considered within the context of the novel and larger crisis challenging all socio-humanitarian knowledge in the face of the transformations in social reality in recent decades. The nature of these transformations and their implications for the theory and methodology of the socio-humanitarian sciences are analyzed by drawing on the sociological literature, which is more sensitive to changes in social life than is psychology. Prominent sociologists argue that the "old" theories and interpretations of the "social" are no longer relevant in the new, highly complex, and globally unstable reality; this new reality has largely transformed the dimensions of human beings' existence. Meanwhile psychology still tends to comprehend the universal nature of the human. This position undermines the relevance of both psychology's theoretical models and the practical implications derived from these methodological assumptions. We argue for revision of the perennial psychological problem of the biology-culture interaction in human nature. To resolve the contemporary methodological crisis in psychology, a shift is needed from theories of universal and immutable human nature to the idea of the human as an infinitely changing creature. Because culture is, primarily, the ability to change, wherein the speed and extent of changes are unique for humans, distinguishing them from other living beings.
Integrative psychological & behavioral science, Jan 24, 2015
Psychology has permanent problems of theoretical coherence and practical, analytic and critical e... more Psychology has permanent problems of theoretical coherence and practical, analytic and critical efficiency. It is claimed that Activity Theory (AT) with roots in a long European philosophical tradition and continued in Russian AT is a first step to remedy this. A Danish version of AT may have a key to exceed some, mostly implicit, ontological restrictions in traditional AT and free it from an embracement of functionalism and mechanicism, rooted in Renaissance Physics. The analysis goes back to Aristotle's understanding of the freely moving animal in its ecology and introduces some dualities in the encounter between subject and object which replace the dualistic dichotomies traditionally splitting Psychology in Naturwissenschaft vs. Geisteswissenshaft. This also implies a "Copernican turn" of Cartesian dualism. The perspectives are to give place for a phenomenology of meaning without cutting human psyche out of Nature and to open Psychology to its domain.
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2013
Psychology in Russia: State of the Art, 2014
Contemporary Russian psychology faces an uphill battle in joining the international mainstream af... more Contemporary Russian psychology faces an uphill battle in joining the international mainstream after decades of isolation. Among Russian psychologists today, we can see traces of the "globalist" (integrative) and "counter-globalist" (isolationist) tendencies that first manifested during the Soviet period. At that time, Russian psychology was shaped as a mono-methodological trend; it addressed fundamental theoretical problems, was based on Marxist philosophy and was oriented to reflect the standards of the natural sciences. In the post-Soviet period, fundamental social changes shifted the development of psychology as a science and different standards were adopted. Contemporary Russian psychology is substantially diversified. When searching for "the optimum level of integration" with global peers, it is necessary to take into account the theoretical and methodological orientations of the scientists, as their motives and constraints with respect to integration can be substantially different. Here we explain in detail how the different theoretical understandings and predilections of Russian psychologists determine their interests, ideals and constraints with respect to integration with the mainstream.
Psikhologicheskii Zhurnal, 2019
Сущность человека не исчерпывается его гено-мом. Он причастен культуре, иначе собственно че-ловек... more Сущность человека не исчерпывается его гено-мом. Он причастен культуре, иначе собственно че-ловеком не является. Поэтому у человека уже «…нет "природы"-простого или однородного бы-тия. Он причудливая смесь бытия и небытия; его место-между этими двумя полюсами» [8, с. 20]. Психология как наука о человеческой душе [12] са-мим своим предметом поставлена перед вызовом биосоциальной проблемы, и любая психологиче-ская концепция предполагает здесь определенную точку зрения, открыто формулируемую или импли-цитно присутствующую. В первое столетие существования академической психологии, с момента становления психологии как самостоятельной науки до последних десятилетий Ключевые слова: биосоциальная проблема, глобализация, культурные различия, универсальная пси-хология, культурно-историческая теория, кросскультурная психология, культурная психология, кри-тическая психология, индигенные теории. Аннотация. В психологической науке с начала ее становления имеет место противостояние двух ...
Психологический журнал
Ставятся вопросы определения проблемного поля психологии личности и ее внутренней структуры. Обсу... more Ставятся вопросы определения проблемного поля психологии личности и ее внутренней структуры. Обсуждается значение и соотношение различных направлений, активно развивающихся сегодня. Особое внимание авторов обращено к экзистенциальному подходу, идеи которого созвучны вызовам современности и проблемам современного человека, а также психологии повседневности, позволяющей изучать реального человека в реальном мире. Рассматривается специфика российской традиции психологических исследований личности и перспективы ее развития. Предлагается понимание предметного содержания психологии личности как пересечения структурно-функционального (черты и свойства личности), контекстуального (психология повседневности: жизненные сценарии, стратегии жизни, жизненный стиль и др.) и экзистенциального (экзистенциальная идентичность, экзистенциальный опыт, смыслы существования и др.) полей.
In reference to commentaries on the paper (Mammen and Mironenko, Integrative Psychological and Be... more In reference to commentaries on the paper (Mammen and Mironenko, Integrative Psychological and Behavioral Science 49(4):681–713, 2015) some clarifications are introduced concerning the general landmarks and objectives in the development of psychological science, in respect to which activity theories (AT) can be assessed and evaluated. Contemporary psychological science is developing along the path of integration, as part of the emerging global world. AT has some special value and importance in this respect. It can contribute to the development of the emerging multi-paradigmatic system of the global psychological science because it combines two aspirations, which are rarely combined in psychological theories: a) consistent focus on scientific method, objectivity and conclusiveness; b) the pursuit of a holistic and complete, not simplified and not one-sided comprehension of the subject. The former provides good bases for dialogue with Bobjective^ psychological approaches, close to nat...
Papers by Irina Mironenko
логии в мировой науке. Этот вопрос сегодня является ключевым для профессионального
самоопределения каждого российского психолога, с начала своей профессиональной
подготовки активно ассимилирующего продукцию зарубежной иноязычной науки и,
в то же время, в подавляющем большинстве говорящего и пишущего только по-русски.
На протяжении советского периода российская психология развивалась в относительной
и односторонней изоляции от иноязычного мейнстрима. Сегодня мир становится единым.
Происходит интеграция мировой науки, в пространство которой вливаются локальные
школы. Каким же является сегодня и каким может быть место российской психологии
в мировом контексте? Ответ на этот вопрос оказывается разным в зависимости от того,
понимаем мы под российской психологией те оригинальные психологические концепции,
которые рождены в России, являются продуктом и лицом российской психологической
школы, или говорим о судьбе современного российского профессионального сообщества.
Существенное внимание в монографии уделяется анализу современных тенденций
в развитии мировой психологической науки, в контексте которых рассматриваются во-
прос о месте и значении российской психологии, статус и перспективы ее полноценного
вхождения в пространство мировой науки.
The monograph dwells on contemporary developments in international and in Russian
psychology and on the problems of the integration of Russian psychology into international
science. The author argues that in the context of globalization, local scholarly traditions
necessarily integrate into international science and future development of Russian psychology
is not possible outside of the international context. However, Russian psychology should not
lose its heritage and authenticity. The book is aimed to reveal and substantiate the authentic
character of theoretical and methodological bases, on which theories of Russian psychological
school are grounded.