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-3 votes
2 answers

Determine image value by image name

I'm making a blackjack game, and I want to take my cards images and give each a value for the game. I'm not sure how to determine their value. Should I just do a big switch statement with all the ...
heapoverflow's user avatar
9 votes
5 answers

How many classes are too many?

I'm making a Book Manager App using Java Swing that allows me to do a variety of things such as opening a txt list of books, searching for books, adding/removing books. There are different classes ...
Lewis Briffa's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Is it fine to skip MVC?

I am building a pair of components that communicates in a one-way fashion: [ JButton ] --> data...process...process...out --> [ JTextField ] The JButton allows the user to select a file and ...
user2738698's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Publish/subscribe, observer pattern implementation question

I'm developing desktop application in java/swing. I have a component that is registered as a subscriber to many panels and gets messages (my custom event) from them. That component is something like ...
coolig's user avatar
  • 53
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Separating model from UI

I have a Swing application with a custom TreeModel that can refer to domain instances. I'm wondering what changes I could make if I consider moving to a web interface later on. Would a pluggable model ...
James P.'s user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

What is good programming practice for structuring java project?

I have a Java project that is getting to be relatively large (a few thousand lines in all, I'd say). It's definitely a lot larger than what I've dealt with before, being that I am still a relatively ...
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