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Are there downsides to writing PDO/mysqli statements into my code directly vs using my own redirect wrapper methods?

TL;DR: To access DB functionality in my codebase I currently use a custom layer throughout the code. The layer needs an upgrade in order to begin accepting prepared statements, which it currently ...
Dennis's user avatar
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Strategies for removing register_globals from a file

I have a file (or rather, a list of about 100 files) in my website's repository that is still requiring the use of register_globals and other nastiness (like custom error reporting, etc) because the ...
Jonathan Rich's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

How should I write new code when the old codebase and the environment uses lots of globals in PHP

I'm working in the Wordpress environment which itself heavily relies on globals and the codebase I'm maintaining introduces some more. I want this to change and so I'm trying to think how should I ...
Nicola Peluchetti's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Evaluating Software Maintenance

1. When to treat a software as deployed and when to start charging for maintenance ? In most of the cases the software we make is deployed on the web at early stages to enhance the testing process ...
Ruby On Tails's user avatar
-1 votes
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Tips for a novice PHP developer to drive down long-term maintenance costs [closed]

I'm an experienced Java developer who is just starting up a project for an NGO. I will be working on the project for at least 6 months, following which the NGO will have to pay or find a volunteer to ...
iftheshoefritz's user avatar