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2 answers

Is it good practice to have applications remove old AppData files when they're no longer needed?

I have a Desktop application that was saving some data to %AppData%\MyApp\old.txt (roughly 1KB). I have decided to rename the file that I write to to new.txt. If I push out this change, customer ...
pushkin's user avatar
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Should i be using My own MVVM implementation?

Hi there i've been into MvvM and modular design the last few days, i find it really nice design principle that be scaled and maintained really well. But here is the thing, i see there are multiple ...
Xeorge Xeorge's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

What would be a decent practice to get unique id for each MACHINE

I'm focusing my question on Windows OS, desktop applications. What would be a decent way to get a unique identification for every machine? obviously there many ways to do that, such as concatenating ...
Stavm's user avatar
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