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Class holding collection of other class

I have a class Item. Then another class ItemCollection holds std::map<int,Item> item_collection_. The reason to create the class ItemCollection is if I want to do something with collection of ...
pokche's user avatar
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Base class with bool flag to imitate virtual constructor

I am using bool flag to call base class function when needed to imitate virtual constructor. I am using this way for inheritance purpose. I have a Base class constructor with int and bool. The bool ...
pokche's user avatar
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Avoid numerous dynamic_cast_ptr in the API design of polymorphic types

I am trying to design a geometric intersection API. Below is the code to represent geometric elements. #include <iostream> #include <memory> // Since I did not write the Shape class I ...
solti's user avatar
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3 votes
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What should I use for technically always read-only objects?

I have a function get() which gets a human object from somewhere. That is literally the only use of human, to provide a collection of properties of a human. struct human { std::string first_name; ...
Rakete1111's user avatar
10 votes
2 answers

Is this a good approach for a "pImpl"-based class hierarchy in C++?

I have a class hierarchy for which I would like to separate the interface from the implementation. My solution is to have two hierarchies: a handle class hierarchy for the interface and a non-public ...
Steve Emmerson's user avatar
8 votes
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Design considerations for configuration menu on embedded system

I am working on an embedded system that interfaces with the user with several buttons and a small graphic display. As a side note: Since I am on an embedded system, I would like to prevent dynamic ...
Rev's user avatar
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6 votes
3 answers

How to properly deal with starvation

I'm trying to find a way to avoid starvation in my program, a producer/consumer (two threads, one for each role) problem with four priority levels (four deques). Basically, the consumer thread always ...
elmazzun's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Does it make sense to have a user specified thread limit?

I'm developing a C++14 application and would like to take advantage of the new multithreading features, in particular std::async. I have seen a number of applications which allow the user to specify ...
Daniel's user avatar
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9 votes
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C++ serialization design review

I am writing a C++ application. Most applications read and write data citation needed and this one is no exception. I created a high level design for the data model and serialization logic. This ...
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16 votes
3 answers

How to handle design changes for auto_ptr deprecation in C++11?

We are testing a library under C++11 (i.e., -std=c++11). The library uses auto_ptr and this pattern: Foo* GetFoo() { autoptr<Foo> ptr(new Foo); // Initialize Foo ptr->Initialize(...
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