
Hi all! I’m overdue for another Bridgy Fed status update. Bottom line up front: we’re now bridging video on Bluesky! Out from Bluesky works now, in will work as soon as they finish their user rollout, hopefully within days.

Also, Bridgy Fed can now ask people to bridge their accounts! This is the infamous “discoverable opt in,” and it’s finally launched. If you want to follow someone, but they’re not bridged, send their handle to Bridgy Fed in a DM or chat message, and it will message them to say you’re asking. (Only once; it won’t send another message if someone else asks.)

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Unexpected lovely experience at #xoxofest: I’ve worked in climate full time for the last few years, and in health and bioinformatics for many years before that, and I got to share those experiences with very competent, interested people and encourage them to join in themselves.

There are lots of wonderful climate scientists, doctors, and researchers. They’re hungry to work with good tech people to build new and better tools. You don’t need any domain knowledge; your tech skills alone are enough. Jump in, the water’s fine, we need your help!


I think talent is probably overrated.

Talent is fixed mindset. You’re born with it, it’s in your genes, it’s a gift.

Practice is growth mindset. Anyone can learn, put in the work, practice hard, and get better. It takes drive, and some people start out with advantages, but talent isn’t required.

Talent exists, sure. Some people are naturals. But we overestimate its impact. I think much of what we see as talent is actually motivation. When you want something so much that you work day and night at it, that’s hugely powerful, more than anything in your genes. (And maybe that is in your genes!)
