Southern Methodist University
Clements Department of History
Between 1861-1865 the United States experienced immense social, political, and economic upheaval. The divided U.S. populace, unfamiliar with violent and turbulent aspects inherent of a civil war, used Mexico and, specifically, the term... more
Akademik/yarı akademik çalışmaların büyük kısmı Şeyh Ubeydullah İsyanı'nı "Büyük bir feodal isyan", "On dokuzuncu yüzyılın son ve tahminen en önemli Kürt İsyanı" olarak resmeder. Kürt tarihçiliğinin önemli isimlerinden Martin Van... more
The American political economist Henry Charles Carey is generally thought of as a spokesman for industrialization due to his strident protectionism. In fact, his most original contributions came in his discussions of agriculture, the... more
This course asks students to consider the origins and sustaining conditions of nation-states. It focuses on the emergence and early history of nation-states and nationalist consciousness rather than on the more recent twentieth- and... more
Drew Faust once identified “the problem of Confederate nationalism” was its failure. This paper explores the possibility that the problem of northern nationalism was its success. Union victory ratified northerners’ conflation of sectional... more