Friday, 31 July 2020

Mueller_Roedelius - Imagori (2015)

Glitchy, clicky, and of course beautifully melodic precision electronics from Roedelius and the latest in a long line of collaborators, Christoph H. Mueller from Gotan Project.  Their first album together starts as it means to go on, with classic Roedelius piano over a bed of modern electronics, and covers ground both calm and unsettling over the course of 50 minutes.

In a sense, Imagori could be described as a bit like a Qluster album (see last three links below) with the rougher edges shorn off, but for all its refined exactness it's never dull.  Roedelius' Qluster collaborator Onnen Bock is actually featured here in an occasional supporting capacity, as is the deftly sampled voice of Brian Eno talking about tape recording on one track.  There would be a sequel three years later, Imagori II, which I've still to pick up.

pw: sgtg

Roedelius at SGTG:
Kluster 1970-1971
Cluster & Eno
Jardin Au Fou
Live In Vienna
Wenn Der Südwind Weht
Offene Türen
Apropos Cluster

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