A beautiful way to keep your month in bloom. Our Birthflower Bouquet Necklace proudly displays your birthflower on a graceful pendant to remind you of your special month - no need to water or prune! Choose from 1-4 birthflowers to be engraved on your necklace. Our jewelers combine the flowers into a single and unique bouquet layout and engrave it on your disc. A perfect way to keep loved ones close to your heart and create a unique family pendant. DETAILS: 14kt gold filled or sterling silver Cho Rose Gold Birth Flower Necklace, Elegant Charm Necklace With May Birth Flower And Birthstone, Elegant Birth Flower Charm Necklace For May Birthstone, Elegant Charm Necklace With Birth Flower For May Birthstone, Delicate May Birthstone Jewelry, Delicate Jewelry With May Birthstone And Birth Flower, Delicate Birth Flower Jewelry For Anniversary, Delicate Birth Flower Pendant Necklace, Delicate Birthstone Necklace With Birth Flower For Gift