Picture memes poHdmhIz6: 1 comment — iFunnyi'll never understand when friends start to act shady because you haven't talked to them in a minute and have been busy. if you're my real friend idc if we don't talk for a YEAR, you're still my friend and i'II always treat you like it. ppl feel so entitled to ur time nowadays – popular memes on the site iFunny.co #eminem #celebrities #ill #never #understand #friends #start #act #shady #because #havent #talked #minute #been #busy #youre #real #friend #idc #dont #talk #year #pic
Coincidence Quotes>>>>>nutcase here is a fact.There is only 2 true players in the fiber world in canada 1.Shaw 2.Bell(teachers union) and Telus.Rogers rents so to speak of Shaw/once called fiberlink.If i was still there today i would be making 1/2 mill. per year.