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Hô biến tủ gầm cầu thang nhà ống đẹp tiện ích bạn nên thực hiện ngay
1. ARCO / ARCH Descripción: Description: Curved structure that supports weight.  FACHADA / FAÇADE Description: The front part of a building.  COLUMNA / COLUMN Description: Vertical element that supports weight.  • Description: Rounded roo. CÚPULA / DOME Description: Rounded roof that creates a large interior space.  PUERTA / DOOR Description: A hinged or sliding barrier that allows entry or exit from a space.  VENTANA / WINDOW Description: An opening in a wall that lets in light and air.  ESCALERA / STAIRCASE Description: A set of steps that connects different levels of a building.  TECHO / ROOF • Description: The top covering of a building that protects it from the elements.  MURO / WALL Description: A vertical structure that defines and divides sp