Detail / Material : Metal Cladding

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Roofing - Structural Roof from VMZINC
VMZINC's Structural Roof is a construction system combining a standing seam roofing in VMZ Zinc plus with rigid mineral wool insulation laid on supporting structures in steel, wood or concrete. It's a modular warm roof system for any type of deck (steel sheets, wood, concrete), suitable for low to high hygrometry, that can be used in all types of roof.
Gallery of Moore Studio / Omar Gandhi Architect - 11
Moore Studio, Omar Gandhi Architect, Hubbards, Nova Scotia, Canada, 2012 © Greg Richardson Photography Cite: "Moore Studio / Omar Gandhi Architect" 21 Sep 2012. ArchDaily. Accessed 06 Sep 2014. <>
Head Wall Transition Flashing for Roofing - Copper, Aluminum
how to install flashing at wall to roof - Google Search
Steel Framing
Stratco Roof and Ceiling battens - Stratco X1 steel framing, roof batten, ceiling battens, metal battens, light gauge
Membrana de polietileno de alta densidad para cubiertas de zinc
Constructive detail of a hidden gutter. Consists of three components: the VMZinc zinc tray; the high density polyethylene membrane Delta VMZinc and the fixing anchors.
De watergoten en hemelwaterafvoeren bevinden zich achter de gevelbekleding van houten latten en zijn zodoende uit het zicht. Houten latten western red cedar 30mm . bevestigd met RVS schroeven . regels op tengels 2x22mm 3 zijden zwart . op houten stijlen 70mm . waterkerende folie EPDM . hout beplating 12mm . isolatie 138mm . dampremmende folie . spaanplaat 10mm . RF gipsplaat 15mm . stuc Donker grijs mat gecoat stalen dak en hemelwater afvoersysteem