Venue: Disneyland Hotel Anaheim, CA (USA)
Date and time: April 3rd, 2023 h 01;30 pm
Attendees: 1) Alberto Bedredin Velasquez Lopez, SDE, Honduras, 2) Andres Jhovanny Bohorquez Garzon, INM, Colombia, 3) Francis Hamilton, TTBS, Barbados, 4) Hamlet Herrera, INDOCAL, Dominican Republic, 5) Bruno Lozano, INMETRO, Brazil, 6) Christopher Meyer, NIST, USA, 7) Andrea Peruzzi, NRC, Canada (SIM MGW3 vice-chair), 8) Billy Quispe, INACAL, Peru’, 9) Javier Garcia Skabar, INTI, Argentina, 10) Andrew Todd, NRC, Canada, 11) Howard Yoon, NIST, USA
Each participant introduced himself and gave a short presentation of the most relevant activities undergoing in the respective laboratories.
Prioritization of future KC/SCs: The results of the survey performed by the previous chair in spring 2022 were summarized and the attendees were asked to update their individual needs of future KC/SCs. The members confirmed the pressing need for a radiation thermometry (CCT-K10-like) KC, an SPRTs at fixed points (CCT-K9-like) KC, and a relative humidity KC. A more systematic inventory of the KC needs was requested.
Planning of next KC/SCs: INTI (Argentina) offered to pilot the next SIM KC of SPRTs at fixed points (a preliminary investigation is required to understand if INTI’s current uncertainties are sufficiently low to guarantee a proper linkage to the SIM participants in the comparison). NIST offered to pilot a SIM SC in the field of relative humidity. INMETRO offered to support the pilot.
Training: The SIM/NIST free calibration and guest researcher opportunities were recalled (Wes Tew, NIST can provide information). The SIM Award for early career metrologist 2023 was reminded.
NEXT SIM MWG3 meeting: A virtual follow-up meeting was planned for September 2023
Other activities
In the same week, the SIM MWG3 members attended a series of three ITS10/MSC Workshop Sessions on Temperature and Humidity Measurements and followed and contributed to the ITS10 sessions, scheduled in the days following the meeting.