Dreydel Fatale
I'm back!
30, Jewish, and dating the hottest lady imaginable. I post about comics, social justice, bugs, animals, my grad school life, whatever strikes my fancy. I block liberally.
  1. Dec 2, 2429 notes

    I’m back!


    Hi everyone! I finished my semester (well, I completed all my assignments), and the election is over, so I think I can finally come back to Tumblr.

    So stuff that’s happened since November 8th:

    1. I picked out my classes for the next semester and it’s gonna suck.
    2. Since I’ve managed to do well, I am taking four classes next semester.
    3. I actually finished all my assignments before the deadline, which is unheard of for my ADHD self.
    4. I got a 100% on an assignment worth a fifth of my grade in my Behavior class. 😁
    5. I currently have a 93% in one class and 101% in my other class!
    6. I have knitted ten scarves.
    7. I had a nice Thanksgiving with my family and my girlfriend’s family and a family friend, free from politics. (And the Lions won the football game, so my dad was pretty happy.)
    8. I got to hang out with @sophloph finally! We saw the Venom movie. 😊

    So now I can chill out, enjoy my last two classes of my first semester, keep knitting, and chill out for the holidays.

  2. Dec 18, 2435,035 notes


    me, eating a pile of nuts, cheese, and apple: mmmm tasty

    the medieval peasant in my head watching me eat: thou knowst what would MAKETH this meal? dried fruits.

    me, getting out the raisins: god damn, etheldred, you are SO right

    the medieval peasant in my head: yet thou art still not heeding mine words regarding the blasphemy

    (via i-aint-even-bovvered)

  3. Dec 18, 243,676 notes
“Soul Burn - Submitted by fastman27
#C71735 #AE1B3B #9B103A #600F27 #290E17 #180E11 #0C0A0B


    Soul Burn - Submitted by fastman27

    #C71735 #AE1B3B #9B103A #600F27 #290E17 #180E11 #0C0A0B

    (via voidingintotheshout)

  4. Dec 18, 2478,058 notes




    Can the “Russia and Israel are American colonies” people PLEASE stay in their echo chambers and not interact with the rest of tumblr for everyone’s safety?!

    Hey, schmucks! You know what Israel and Russia have that the US doesn’t?

    A fucking draft.

    There are plenty of soldiers who do not want to be there. Lots of healthy young men fled Russia as soon as Ukraine was invaded. There are lots of IDF soldiers who were noncombatants at the start of the war who aren’t now.

    Yeah, people who were forced into a war by their government deserve to feel bad. They didn’t choose this. At best, they’d be jailed for refusing and at worst, they’d be killed.

    And in regards to Israel, becoming a soldier and going into Palestine and interacting with Palestinians is often a life changing experience which is why Breaking the Silence exists. It’s a group made up entirely of veterans who realized the war is wrong and are now advocating for the war to end.

  5. Dec 18, 249,638 notes


    I do think it’s unfortunate that people (europeans) automatically assume that “american” style versions of foods are immediately the most bastardized version done purposefully out of lack of culture, when the reality a lot of times it’s rooted in a response of millions of poor immigrants stepping foot in a foreign land attempting to recreate beloved recipes with what few ingredients were available and affordable

    (via practically-an-x-man)

  6. Dec 18, 2416 notes

    Anonymous asks:

    Have you ever fallen in love with someone then realise you fell in love with an image of them in your mind and they aren't that person you fell in love with at all?


    Have you ever fallen in love with someone then realise you fell in love with an image of them in your mind and they aren’t that person you fell in love with at all?



    See results

  7. Dec 18, 24113 notes

    Anonymous asks:

    Do you believe platonic love is more important than romantic love?


    Do you believe platonic love is more important than romantic love?



  8. Dec 18, 247,495 notes


    not to sound like a whore, but can we go to an aquarium date?

    (via gay-jewish-bucky)

  9. Dec 18, 2458 notes


    Dear converts,

    I love you guys, you are all so amazing! I admire your dedication so much and it fills my heart with joy that you have chosen to join my family!

    I know it’s annoying when we all ask, “but why do you want to convert,” but I hope you know it usually comes from a place of amazement that you are choosing something so hard. You saw something amazing in something that because we were born into we forget to see. Thank you for reminding us!

    (via jewish-rock)

  10. Dec 18, 244,702 notes

    Anonymous asks:

    hi i’m rlly hungover can i have a mata mata turtle fact 🥺🥺


    my favorite mata mata fact!

    if you look at them directly head on, they have a lovely smile for you :)

  11. Dec 18, 24211,022 notes
“ openinmotion:
“ oddbagel:
“ FACT: Usage of the word “The” has...













    Usage of the word “The” has begun to decline. This is because as more and more people become educated, usage of the word “Thoum’st” has become more common.


    quick question what happened 2009

    That’s when we were all using “teh”


    got curious and “teh” has an almost identical dip at exactly the same point in time. what the hell happened in 2009

    We all just shut up in 2009.

    um… de and da?


    nope, the same dip is visible in 2009

    but i would like to point out that in 2009, there was an insane spike in the word “gay”


    what happened in 2009

    No more theh just the gayh

    minecraft came out in 2009

    petition to replace the with gay as gay definitive article in gay english language

    (via yanzinator)

  12. Dec 18, 243,715 notes



    Wanna Buy a Checkmark? ☑️

    (via charlesoberonn)

  13. Dec 18, 2429 notes
  14. Dec 18, 241,169 notes





    Never lend something you aren’t willing to give.

    This sounds genuinely wise, but I feel like more context is needed to understand it.

    Is this actually some kind of riddle by any chance?

    Lolol. It’s not a riddle. It’s just a rule I live by. X’D

    When I lend something, I have to make peace with the fact that it may never come back. A CD, a movie, a book, money. Whatever falls into the hands of another is theirs for the time being, and if I presume it lost to me, that makes loss more bearable and return much, much sweeter.

    Never lend what you aren’t willing to lose.

    Lolol. It’s not a

    riddle. It’s just a rule I

    live by. X’D

    Beep boop! I look for accidental haiku posts. Sometimes I mess up.

    (via alabastermask)

  15. Dec 18, 2435,339 notes



    I used to see this image all the time in December but now literally nobody cares. We as a society have forgotten him. All he wanted was to offer us a nice treat and what did we do? We abandoned him. Hell has taken refuge in our hearts and its fires have burned to ash all warmth and love. We should be ashamed.

    (via sufficient-tenacity)

  16. Dec 18, 2435,946 notes



    This is exactly what it’s like to have a conversation on Tumblr. 

    I’ve lost track of the number of times I’ve agreed with someone on the internet and wound up in this kind of conversation.

    (via supreme-leader-stoat)