International Journal of Advancements in Computing Technology, 2012
To check a model using the SPIN model checker, the target model has to be described in the dedica... more To check a model using the SPIN model checker, the target model has to be described in the dedicated specification and description language PROMELA. In addition, linear temporal logic (LTL) expressions are used for the description of the specification to be tested. In this study, we propose a method for automatically transforming the UML diagram used in the upstream design stage of system development into PROMELA code and LTL expressions. Automatic transformation to PROMELA code is achieved by the following procedure: (1) combine the state machine chart and layout drawing of UML; (2) describe the behavior, layout condition, and requested specifications of the target model in the state machine chart. As a requested specification, automatic generation of LTL expressions is achieved by restricting and expanding the sequence diagram of UML to a notation complying with the specification patterns. We created computer-aided tools that have these functions, and evaluated this method using a case study of design verification.
2011 Eighth International Conference on Information Technology: New Generations, 2011
Freeware learn-to-touch-type software, which is available for download without charge, caters for... more Freeware learn-to-touch-type software, which is available for download without charge, caters for individual learning style but, in many cases, is not equipped with the features to manage the entire learning of the students. Using this type of training software for individual learning styles, our research developed a learning management system for the automatic collection of learning results in a large-scale training session. This system uses template matching to convert the image data on the achievement results screen into text data, and stores the results in a database. Our system was applied in teaching 640 students, and learning was shown clearly to be effective by including a comparison with another faculty (764 students) that did not use the system. In addition, an improvement to the image processing for the automatic collection of learning results was developed.
To evaluate our formal verification method on a real-size calculation circuit, in this article, w... more To evaluate our formal verification method on a real-size calculation circuit, in this article, we continue to formalize the concept of the 4-2 Binary Addition Cell primitives (FTAs) to define the structures of calculation units for a very fast multiplication algorithm for VLSI implementation . We define the circuit structure of four-types FTAs, TYPE-0 to TYPE-3, using the series constructions of the Generalized Full Adder Circuits (GFAs) that generalized adder to have for each positive and negative weights to inputs and outputs . We then successfully prove its circuit stability of the calculation outputs after four-steps. The motivation for this research is to establish a technique based on formalized mathematics and its applications for calculation circuits with high reliability.
We continue to formalize the concept of the Generalized Full Addition and Subtraction circuits (G... more We continue to formalize the concept of the Generalized Full Addition and Subtraction circuits (GFAs), define the structures of calculation units for the Redundant Signed Digit (RSD) operations, then prove its stability of the calculations. Generally, one-bit binary full adder assumes positive weights to all of its three binary inputs and two outputs. We define the circuit structure of two-types n-bit GFAs using the recursive construction to use the RSD arithmetic logical units that we generalize full adder to have both positive and negative weights to inputs and outputs. The motivation for this research is to establish a technique based on formalized mathematics and its applications for calculation circuits with high reliability.
The 7th International Conference on Digital Content Multimedia Technology and Its Applications, Feb 3, 2011
A bstract-The UML activity diagram is suitable for the expression of the work flow, and it expres... more A bstract-The UML activity diagram is suitable for the expression of the work flow, and it expresses behavior at each ,tage of development from the analysis and the design to the programming. The approach models on the upstream design >pecification of software by the formal language and verifies it by the model checker, and it attracts attention. In this report, we propose the method of converting automatically the UML activity di agram into the SPIN model checking code PROMELA. We applied to the screen transition design of a Web application example for the evaluation of the proposal method. As a result, we obtained detection and the trace of the counter-example by the model checker, and found a latent bug under limited condition.
International Journal of Advancements in Computing Technology, 2011
A bstract-The UML activity diagram is suitable for the expression of the work flow, and it expres... more A bstract-The UML activity diagram is suitable for the expression of the work flow, and it expresses behavior at each ,tage of development from the analysis and the design to the programming. The approach models on the upstream design >pecification of software by the formal language and verifies it by the model checker, and it attracts attention. In this report, we propose the method of converting automatically the UML activity di agram into the SPIN model checking code PROMELA. We applied to the screen transition design of a Web application example for the evaluation of the proposal method. As a result, we obtained detection and the trace of the counter-example by the model checker, and found a latent bug under limited condition.
In this paper, we propose an extension of Petri nets suitable for control systems design and disc... more In this paper, we propose an extension of Petri nets suitable for control systems design and discuss its methods of evaluation. In order to study the behavior of a system mod elled with this net, we provide a means for searching the reachability tree of markings. The logical colored Petri net (LCPN) is an extended Petri net which solves the problem of system description in place/transition nets and colored P etri nets proposed before.
This article presents a framework for studying the existence of optimal control based on fuzzy ru... more This article presents a framework for studying the existence of optimal control based on fuzzy rules. The framework consists of two propositions: A set of fuzzy membership functions which are selected out of L2[a, bJ is convex and compact metrizable for the weak topology.
International Journal of Engineering and Technology, 2016
The following document is an analysis of malicious documents which exploit vulnerability in appli... more The following document is an analysis of malicious documents which exploit vulnerability in applications dynamically, the application must have appropriate vulnerability. Therefore, we have to analyze the document statically to identify the type of vulnerability. Moreover it is difficult to identify unknown vulnerability, and the application may not be available even if we could identify the type of vulnerability. However malicious code which is executed after exploiting does not have relation with vulnerability in many cases. In this paper, we propose a method to extract and execute shellcode for analyzing malicious documents without identification of vulnerability and application. Our system extracts shellcode by executing byte sequence to observe the features in document file in order of priority decided on the basis of entropy. When 88 malware samples were analyzed by our system, it extracted shellcode from 74 samples. And 51 of extracted shellcodes behaved as malicious software in dynamic analysis.
Proceedings of the Asian Internet Engineeering Conference on - AINTEC '12, 2012
In this paper, we propose highly accurate automatic malware classification method, by extracting ... more In this paper, we propose highly accurate automatic malware classification method, by extracting features by using static analysis of malware samples, with the structure of malware source code. In the proposal extracting method, existence and non-existence of a particular pairs of API and its subsequent API in API sequence graph is compared with the executable code of a sample, with which feature of malware sample is defined. To determine the degree of similarity between samples, Dice's coefficient has been applied. To visualize the grouping of similarly-featured samples, we have used hierarchical cluster analysis based on the extracted features. The analysis results are presented in dendrogram with colored nodes to each family name. In order to assess the proposed method, we have set up the automatic malware static analysis system with combination of disassembler, control flow analyzer, API sequence extractor, similarity calculator and hierarchical cluster analyzer. We have acquired 4,684 malware samples, and 1,821 of those samples successfully extracted from API sequence have been put to our proposal classification method. As a result, automatic processing has been executed to hierarchical cluster analysis in a short time, and significant clusters of variant groups have been obtained.
In this paper, we describe the composition of a server for the design aid of logic circuit based ... more In this paper, we describe the composition of a server for the design aid of logic circuit based on VHDL. This server automatically carries out verification and simulation of the operation. We develop the system which teaches VHDL by practical training course type. The insistence of this research are (1) The development for the system which supplies the tools of logical synthesis and simulation, (2) The server which automatically processes submitted report, and (3) The methodology which evaluates the verification results.
In this paper, we propose a process design for the Network File System model based on the Logical... more In this paper, we propose a process design for the Network File System model based on the Logical Coloured Petri Net. This net (LCPN) is an extended Petri net which solves the problem of system description in place/transition nets and colored Petri nets proposed before. This extension of Petri net is suitable to design of the complex control system and discuss its methods of evaluation. In order to study the behavior of the server system modeled with this net, we provide a means for searching the reach-ability tree of markings, and simmulations. For this, we confirmed that this extended Petri net for design of the file server process is effective technique.
By regarding the set of fuzzy membership functions as a sub8et of normal bounded variation (NBV) ... more By regarding the set of fuzzy membership functions as a sub8et of normal bounded variation (NBV) space, we show it'!! compactness in weak* topology. '0le prove also that the Mamdani contruller is a continuos fune-tional on the set in the sante topology. The results is an exteusion of [1], and makes it possible to consider pathological membership functions such as characteristic functiou. As an application, we discuss the existence of optimal solution ill a fm:.:ty control.
TA KA SHI \ \J ITSUTSI-ll , .J UN 1<: AVV;\ BE' . KATSUi\ 11 WASA I, I , AND YA SUN All J SIIl DA... more TA KA SHI \ \J ITSUTSI-ll , .J UN 1<: AVV;\ BE' . KATSUi\ 11 WASA I, I , AND YA SUN All J SIIl DA J \ IA A13 STJ{,\ CT , Th e fu zzy feedba ck co nt lOl discllsscd h er e is a nonlin ear feedbil ck co ntrol , in w hi ch th e feedback InlVS ar e c1etC'rlYlin ecl b y if-Ch en t y p e fu zzy rulC's throu g h product-sllrll -g r av it y 111 C't h od, Tn Lhi s pap er , wc sh ow that: a sc t o f admissible fuzzy cO lltro ll er s is com pac t llI et ri zablc wiLli r es p C'c t Lo an a ppr op ri ate topology 0 11 fu zzy m emb er ship fun c'tions, U sin g thi s co mpilctll ess, we show th e exi st ence of ,1 fu zzy co ntmll er w lli eh minimi zes (n1<lxillliz es ) t h e integral cost (b en efi t) functi o ll o f th e feedh ack sysLerll " l. INTROD UCTION In 1965 , Zadeh [7] in trod uced t h e noti on of fu zziness, a ile! t h en l\Iamclan i [2] h as a,ppliecl it to th e fi eld of cO llt ro l th eo ry u sing wh at is call ed Mamdani m eth od , T bi s method is on e of the ways to l1Lllll eri cally represe nt t he control g iven by 11l1ln cU1 la nguage and sen siti v i ty. and it. IU'iS b een a ppli ed in vmio us practica l control pl clllt s , However , u nlike the theo ry of cl assical control a nd mod ern contro l, sys t emati zed co nsider a tions h ave not yet'. b een di scussed s uffi cie ntl y, The a uthors h ave b een t ry in g to g ive a m a th em at ica l fr::tll1 ework in fu zzy feedb ack control theo ry, and t o es t a bli cd[ t he a u tOll1at ic a lld com]Ju tati o n a l c1 cterni iml ti o n of fu zzy m emb e rs hip fUll ct ions: whi ch g ive optimal co ntro ls in som e fu zzy feedba ck cO ll tro l system s (see [4] ", nd [6]) . E s p ecia lly, in [G] we s Lud ie d so m e properti es of fu zzy controllers con s tru cted by l\ li:ll11d a ni m et ho d , a nci s howed t h e exi s ten ce o f an optimal fuz zy feedb ack cO ll tl'O l, in \\-hich th e feedb ack laws are g iven b y (' h e Hl1l01lnt of oper at ion from th e h lz:;,)! co ntro llers , Since the co ntrol g ive n by l\,Ial1ldani lll ct li ocl mig ht llot ch a nge s m oothly, it is pointed out, that his lll e (' hod is no t necessar il y appropr iate to ex pr<:~ss t. he hlllnml iutlli t ion , Then , Mi z ull1 oto [S] rece ntl y proposed tiIe prodlict-s ulJ1 -gravity ll le tllOd
International Journal of Advancements in Computing Technology, 2012
To check a model using the SPIN model checker, the target model has to be described in the dedica... more To check a model using the SPIN model checker, the target model has to be described in the dedicated specification and description language PROMELA. In addition, linear temporal logic (LTL) expressions are used for the description of the specification to be tested. In this study, we propose a method for automatically transforming the UML diagram used in the upstream design stage of system development into PROMELA code and LTL expressions. Automatic transformation to PROMELA code is achieved by the following procedure: (1) combine the state machine chart and layout drawing of UML; (2) describe the behavior, layout condition, and requested specifications of the target model in the state machine chart. As a requested specification, automatic generation of LTL expressions is achieved by restricting and expanding the sequence diagram of UML to a notation complying with the specification patterns. We created computer-aided tools that have these functions, and evaluated this method using a case study of design verification.
2011 Eighth International Conference on Information Technology: New Generations, 2011
Freeware learn-to-touch-type software, which is available for download without charge, caters for... more Freeware learn-to-touch-type software, which is available for download without charge, caters for individual learning style but, in many cases, is not equipped with the features to manage the entire learning of the students. Using this type of training software for individual learning styles, our research developed a learning management system for the automatic collection of learning results in a large-scale training session. This system uses template matching to convert the image data on the achievement results screen into text data, and stores the results in a database. Our system was applied in teaching 640 students, and learning was shown clearly to be effective by including a comparison with another faculty (764 students) that did not use the system. In addition, an improvement to the image processing for the automatic collection of learning results was developed.
To evaluate our formal verification method on a real-size calculation circuit, in this article, w... more To evaluate our formal verification method on a real-size calculation circuit, in this article, we continue to formalize the concept of the 4-2 Binary Addition Cell primitives (FTAs) to define the structures of calculation units for a very fast multiplication algorithm for VLSI implementation . We define the circuit structure of four-types FTAs, TYPE-0 to TYPE-3, using the series constructions of the Generalized Full Adder Circuits (GFAs) that generalized adder to have for each positive and negative weights to inputs and outputs . We then successfully prove its circuit stability of the calculation outputs after four-steps. The motivation for this research is to establish a technique based on formalized mathematics and its applications for calculation circuits with high reliability.
We continue to formalize the concept of the Generalized Full Addition and Subtraction circuits (G... more We continue to formalize the concept of the Generalized Full Addition and Subtraction circuits (GFAs), define the structures of calculation units for the Redundant Signed Digit (RSD) operations, then prove its stability of the calculations. Generally, one-bit binary full adder assumes positive weights to all of its three binary inputs and two outputs. We define the circuit structure of two-types n-bit GFAs using the recursive construction to use the RSD arithmetic logical units that we generalize full adder to have both positive and negative weights to inputs and outputs. The motivation for this research is to establish a technique based on formalized mathematics and its applications for calculation circuits with high reliability.
The 7th International Conference on Digital Content Multimedia Technology and Its Applications, Feb 3, 2011
A bstract-The UML activity diagram is suitable for the expression of the work flow, and it expres... more A bstract-The UML activity diagram is suitable for the expression of the work flow, and it expresses behavior at each ,tage of development from the analysis and the design to the programming. The approach models on the upstream design >pecification of software by the formal language and verifies it by the model checker, and it attracts attention. In this report, we propose the method of converting automatically the UML activity di agram into the SPIN model checking code PROMELA. We applied to the screen transition design of a Web application example for the evaluation of the proposal method. As a result, we obtained detection and the trace of the counter-example by the model checker, and found a latent bug under limited condition.
International Journal of Advancements in Computing Technology, 2011
A bstract-The UML activity diagram is suitable for the expression of the work flow, and it expres... more A bstract-The UML activity diagram is suitable for the expression of the work flow, and it expresses behavior at each ,tage of development from the analysis and the design to the programming. The approach models on the upstream design >pecification of software by the formal language and verifies it by the model checker, and it attracts attention. In this report, we propose the method of converting automatically the UML activity di agram into the SPIN model checking code PROMELA. We applied to the screen transition design of a Web application example for the evaluation of the proposal method. As a result, we obtained detection and the trace of the counter-example by the model checker, and found a latent bug under limited condition.
In this paper, we propose an extension of Petri nets suitable for control systems design and disc... more In this paper, we propose an extension of Petri nets suitable for control systems design and discuss its methods of evaluation. In order to study the behavior of a system mod elled with this net, we provide a means for searching the reachability tree of markings. The logical colored Petri net (LCPN) is an extended Petri net which solves the problem of system description in place/transition nets and colored P etri nets proposed before.
This article presents a framework for studying the existence of optimal control based on fuzzy ru... more This article presents a framework for studying the existence of optimal control based on fuzzy rules. The framework consists of two propositions: A set of fuzzy membership functions which are selected out of L2[a, bJ is convex and compact metrizable for the weak topology.
International Journal of Engineering and Technology, 2016
The following document is an analysis of malicious documents which exploit vulnerability in appli... more The following document is an analysis of malicious documents which exploit vulnerability in applications dynamically, the application must have appropriate vulnerability. Therefore, we have to analyze the document statically to identify the type of vulnerability. Moreover it is difficult to identify unknown vulnerability, and the application may not be available even if we could identify the type of vulnerability. However malicious code which is executed after exploiting does not have relation with vulnerability in many cases. In this paper, we propose a method to extract and execute shellcode for analyzing malicious documents without identification of vulnerability and application. Our system extracts shellcode by executing byte sequence to observe the features in document file in order of priority decided on the basis of entropy. When 88 malware samples were analyzed by our system, it extracted shellcode from 74 samples. And 51 of extracted shellcodes behaved as malicious software in dynamic analysis.
Proceedings of the Asian Internet Engineeering Conference on - AINTEC '12, 2012
In this paper, we propose highly accurate automatic malware classification method, by extracting ... more In this paper, we propose highly accurate automatic malware classification method, by extracting features by using static analysis of malware samples, with the structure of malware source code. In the proposal extracting method, existence and non-existence of a particular pairs of API and its subsequent API in API sequence graph is compared with the executable code of a sample, with which feature of malware sample is defined. To determine the degree of similarity between samples, Dice's coefficient has been applied. To visualize the grouping of similarly-featured samples, we have used hierarchical cluster analysis based on the extracted features. The analysis results are presented in dendrogram with colored nodes to each family name. In order to assess the proposed method, we have set up the automatic malware static analysis system with combination of disassembler, control flow analyzer, API sequence extractor, similarity calculator and hierarchical cluster analyzer. We have acquired 4,684 malware samples, and 1,821 of those samples successfully extracted from API sequence have been put to our proposal classification method. As a result, automatic processing has been executed to hierarchical cluster analysis in a short time, and significant clusters of variant groups have been obtained.
In this paper, we describe the composition of a server for the design aid of logic circuit based ... more In this paper, we describe the composition of a server for the design aid of logic circuit based on VHDL. This server automatically carries out verification and simulation of the operation. We develop the system which teaches VHDL by practical training course type. The insistence of this research are (1) The development for the system which supplies the tools of logical synthesis and simulation, (2) The server which automatically processes submitted report, and (3) The methodology which evaluates the verification results.
In this paper, we propose a process design for the Network File System model based on the Logical... more In this paper, we propose a process design for the Network File System model based on the Logical Coloured Petri Net. This net (LCPN) is an extended Petri net which solves the problem of system description in place/transition nets and colored Petri nets proposed before. This extension of Petri net is suitable to design of the complex control system and discuss its methods of evaluation. In order to study the behavior of the server system modeled with this net, we provide a means for searching the reach-ability tree of markings, and simmulations. For this, we confirmed that this extended Petri net for design of the file server process is effective technique.
By regarding the set of fuzzy membership functions as a sub8et of normal bounded variation (NBV) ... more By regarding the set of fuzzy membership functions as a sub8et of normal bounded variation (NBV) space, we show it'!! compactness in weak* topology. '0le prove also that the Mamdani contruller is a continuos fune-tional on the set in the sante topology. The results is an exteusion of [1], and makes it possible to consider pathological membership functions such as characteristic functiou. As an application, we discuss the existence of optimal solution ill a fm:.:ty control.
TA KA SHI \ \J ITSUTSI-ll , .J UN 1<: AVV;\ BE' . KATSUi\ 11 WASA I, I , AND YA SUN All J SIIl DA... more TA KA SHI \ \J ITSUTSI-ll , .J UN 1<: AVV;\ BE' . KATSUi\ 11 WASA I, I , AND YA SUN All J SIIl DA J \ IA A13 STJ{,\ CT , Th e fu zzy feedba ck co nt lOl discllsscd h er e is a nonlin ear feedbil ck co ntrol , in w hi ch th e feedback InlVS ar e c1etC'rlYlin ecl b y if-Ch en t y p e fu zzy rulC's throu g h product-sllrll -g r av it y 111 C't h od, Tn Lhi s pap er , wc sh ow that: a sc t o f admissible fuzzy cO lltro ll er s is com pac t llI et ri zablc wiLli r es p C'c t Lo an a ppr op ri ate topology 0 11 fu zzy m emb er ship fun c'tions, U sin g thi s co mpilctll ess, we show th e exi st ence of ,1 fu zzy co ntmll er w lli eh minimi zes (n1<lxillliz es ) t h e integral cost (b en efi t) functi o ll o f th e feedh ack sysLerll " l. INTROD UCTION In 1965 , Zadeh [7] in trod uced t h e noti on of fu zziness, a ile! t h en l\Iamclan i [2] h as a,ppliecl it to th e fi eld of cO llt ro l th eo ry u sing wh at is call ed Mamdani m eth od , T bi s method is on e of the ways to l1Lllll eri cally represe nt t he control g iven by 11l1ln cU1 la nguage and sen siti v i ty. and it. IU'iS b een a ppli ed in vmio us practica l control pl clllt s , However , u nlike the theo ry of cl assical control a nd mod ern contro l, sys t emati zed co nsider a tions h ave not yet'. b een di scussed s uffi cie ntl y, The a uthors h ave b een t ry in g to g ive a m a th em at ica l fr::tll1 ework in fu zzy feedb ack control theo ry, and t o es t a bli cd[ t he a u tOll1at ic a lld com]Ju tati o n a l c1 cterni iml ti o n of fu zzy m emb e rs hip fUll ct ions: whi ch g ive optimal co ntro ls in som e fu zzy feedba ck cO ll tro l system s (see [4] ", nd [6]) . E s p ecia lly, in [G] we s Lud ie d so m e properti es of fu zzy controllers con s tru cted by l\ li:ll11d a ni m et ho d , a nci s howed t h e exi s ten ce o f an optimal fuz zy feedb ack cO ll tl'O l, in \\-hich th e feedb ack laws are g iven b y (' h e Hl1l01lnt of oper at ion from th e h lz:;,)! co ntro llers , Since the co ntrol g ive n by l\,Ial1ldani lll ct li ocl mig ht llot ch a nge s m oothly, it is pointed out, that his lll e (' hod is no t necessar il y appropr iate to ex pr<:~ss t. he hlllnml iutlli t ion , Then , Mi z ull1 oto [S] rece ntl y proposed tiIe prodlict-s ulJ1 -gravity ll le tllOd
Papers by Katsumi Wasaki