We have set up our repository using a software package called DSpace. To access it, click on the ... more We have set up our repository using a software package called DSpace. To access it, click on the 'Search Our Test Site' link on the navigation bar of our website, www.ucalgary.ca/library/ dspace, or by typing in the address https:// dspace.ucalgary.ca. ORGANIZATION OF THE REPOSITORY The repository content is organized around Communities, which will typically correspond to University of Calgary administrative entities such as faculties, departments, labs or research centres. Within each community there can be an unlimited number of collections. Within each collection there can be an unlimited number of items. This organization gives our repository the flexibility to accomodate differing needs of communities by allowing them to:
We have set up our repository using a software package called DSpace. To access it, click on the ... more We have set up our repository using a software package called DSpace. To access it, click on the 'Search Our Test Site' link on the navigation bar of our website, www.ucalgary.ca/library/ dspace, or by typing in the address https:// dspace.ucalgary.ca. ORGANIZATION OF THE REPOSITORY The repository content is organized around Communities, which will typically correspond to University of Calgary administrative entities such as faculties, departments, labs or research centres. Within each community there can be an unlimited number of collections. Within each collection there can be an unlimited number of items. This organization gives our repository the flexibility to accomodate differing needs of communities by allowing them to:
domestic partner benefits as simply “good for business.” This sense that corporations were changi... more domestic partner benefits as simply “good for business.” This sense that corporations were changing of their own volition made activism seem unnecessary. The resulting drop-off in internal activist pressure ultimately led to a drop in corporate adoption of benefits. The key contribution of Raeburn’s research, then, is her argument that corporate change cannot be explained solely by activism or by institutional structure but rather both need to be considered to gain a holistic view of the change process. While it would be interesting to see a comparison of this gay and lesbian model with other types of corporate activism, Changing Corporate America offers a timely, compelling, and thorough examination of the role structural and activist-driven processes play in corporate policy change.
Service-Learning at the American Community College, 2014
“That’s me. They are me. It’s weird being here and still a part of them.” Mike shifted in his sea... more “That’s me. They are me. It’s weird being here and still a part of them.” Mike shifted in his seat, a little uncomfortable, as we chatted during office hours. Mike, a white, working-class male in his late 30s recently returned to school seeking a second career in the wake of drastic layoffs in construction jobs in the area. To avoid “all that writing,” Mike instead opted for the course’s service-learning project. His choice came as somewhat of a surprise, since, as an unemployed veteran, he did not seem to fit the profile of a “service-learner.” Neither did Kristen. Standing in the office doorway during the last week of class, she suddenly broke into tears, struggling to speak. “I found my voice, Heather. Doing this [service-learning project], I, for the first time, didn’t feel alone. There’s a lot of us out there—survivors, you know?”
We have set up our repository using a software package called DSpace. To access it, click on the ... more We have set up our repository using a software package called DSpace. To access it, click on the 'Search Our Test Site' link on the navigation bar of our website, www.ucalgary.ca/library/ dspace, or by typing in the address https:// dspace.ucalgary.ca. ORGANIZATION OF THE REPOSITORY The repository content is organized around Communities, which will typically correspond to University of Calgary administrative entities such as faculties, departments, labs or research centres. Within each community there can be an unlimited number of collections. Within each collection there can be an unlimited number of items. This organization gives our repository the flexibility to accomodate differing needs of communities by allowing them to:
We have set up our repository using a software package called DSpace. To access it, click on the ... more We have set up our repository using a software package called DSpace. To access it, click on the 'Search Our Test Site' link on the navigation bar of our website, www.ucalgary.ca/library/ dspace, or by typing in the address https:// dspace.ucalgary.ca. ORGANIZATION OF THE REPOSITORY The repository content is organized around Communities, which will typically correspond to University of Calgary administrative entities such as faculties, departments, labs or research centres. Within each community there can be an unlimited number of collections. Within each collection there can be an unlimited number of items. This organization gives our repository the flexibility to accomodate differing needs of communities by allowing them to:
domestic partner benefits as simply “good for business.” This sense that corporations were changi... more domestic partner benefits as simply “good for business.” This sense that corporations were changing of their own volition made activism seem unnecessary. The resulting drop-off in internal activist pressure ultimately led to a drop in corporate adoption of benefits. The key contribution of Raeburn’s research, then, is her argument that corporate change cannot be explained solely by activism or by institutional structure but rather both need to be considered to gain a holistic view of the change process. While it would be interesting to see a comparison of this gay and lesbian model with other types of corporate activism, Changing Corporate America offers a timely, compelling, and thorough examination of the role structural and activist-driven processes play in corporate policy change.
Service-Learning at the American Community College, 2014
“That’s me. They are me. It’s weird being here and still a part of them.” Mike shifted in his sea... more “That’s me. They are me. It’s weird being here and still a part of them.” Mike shifted in his seat, a little uncomfortable, as we chatted during office hours. Mike, a white, working-class male in his late 30s recently returned to school seeking a second career in the wake of drastic layoffs in construction jobs in the area. To avoid “all that writing,” Mike instead opted for the course’s service-learning project. His choice came as somewhat of a surprise, since, as an unemployed veteran, he did not seem to fit the profile of a “service-learner.” Neither did Kristen. Standing in the office doorway during the last week of class, she suddenly broke into tears, struggling to speak. “I found my voice, Heather. Doing this [service-learning project], I, for the first time, didn’t feel alone. There’s a lot of us out there—survivors, you know?”
Papers by Heather Wylie