Papers by Agnieszka Chłoń-domińczak
The massification of higher education in Poland means that many students choose this educational ... more The massification of higher education in Poland means that many students choose this educational pathway to improve their chances for a good job. Therefore, the labour market outcomes of graduates provide an important perspective for future students, higher education institutions, as well as decision makers at the national level. The Polish Graduate Tracking System (ELA), based on administrative data, is designed to monitor graduates' outcomes in the labour market by type of studies, higher education institution, as well as individual curricula. Results of the first two years of graduate tracking show that the outcomes vary by study area, but also change over time. While in the first months after graduation, aspects such as prior experience in the labour market and place of residence have a substantial effect on employment chances, in the longer run, they lose their importance relative to other factors.
Rethinking the Welfare State, 2004
Journal of Pension Economics and Finance, 2013
Pension systems' reforms are often related to a shift towards (fully or partially) defined contri... more Pension systems' reforms are often related to a shift towards (fully or partially) defined contribution systems, in which the pension distribution reflects to a larger extent the wage distribution. Additionally, relatively shorter working lives of those that have lower earnings, increase the risk of receiving lower benefits.
Wstęp Zabezpieczenie środków na starość jest zagadnieniem, które staje się coraz istotniejsze z p... more Wstęp Zabezpieczenie środków na starość jest zagadnieniem, które staje się coraz istotniejsze z punktu widzenia jednostki oraz państwa. W związku ograniczeniami budżetowymi i dynamiką procesów demograficznych rośnie znaczenie kapitałowych systemów emerytalnych, zarówno prywatnych, jak i publicznych. Tematem niniejszego opracowania są zagadnienia związane z benchmarkami kapitałowych funduszy emerytalnych w szerokim kontekście: koncepcji i celów tworzenia, konstrukcji, wpływu na zarządzających oraz wpływu na inwestorów. O ile w przypadku systemu repartycyjnego organizator nie ma wpływu na stopę zwrotu (wynikającą ze wzrostu płac będącego pochodną wzrostu gospodarczego), o tyle w systemie kapitałowym realna stopa zwrotu z kapitału jest istotnie uzależniona od decyzji inwestycyjnych zarządzającego. Co więcej, oprócz organizatora i uczestnika w systemie kapitałowym można wskazać również zarządzającego, który często reprezentuje inną instytucję niż organizator. Benchmark jako kryterium oc...
We investigate the problems and the potential solutions to the challenge of increasing women's pa... more We investigate the problems and the potential solutions to the challenge of increasing women's participation on the European labour market. We focus on three major issues, linked to different moments in women' s life course. Firstly, we look at the youngest women's difficulties related to school-to-work transitions and the beginning of the working careers as well as the challenges related to childbearing. In the next step we analyze the patterns of lifelong learning among women and its potential to improve their human capital, skills and thus productivity, labour incomes and employment potential. We emphasize the necessity to adapt a gender perspective of lifelong learning, as different forces are affecting the career and educational choices and mobility of women and men, and these also vary over time. Finally, we investigate the labour market attachment of older cohorts and discuss the most prospective options of extending females working lives. JEL Classification: J16, J24, J40 NEUJOBS Working Documents are intended to give an indication of work being conducted within the NEUJOBS research project and to stimulate reactions from other experts in the field. Texts published in this series are ultimately destined for academic publishing. The views expressed in this paper are those of the author and do not necessarily represent any institution with which he is affiliated. See the back page for more information about the NEUJOBS project.
Volume 1: Progress, Lessons, and Implementation, 2012
Papers by Agnieszka Chłoń-domińczak