I am a simple man that wanna know more about human and how to measure all of the human beings. I am a master student in Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada Yogyakarta who got the scholarship from LPDP
Perkembangan teknologi yang semakin berkembang harus senantiasa diikuti dengan perubahan sikap ya... more Perkembangan teknologi yang semakin berkembang harus senantiasa diikuti dengan perubahan sikap yang matang dan bijaksana dalam menerima arus dan informasi global. Ketidakmatangan sikap dan bias personal yang kuat seringkali mengakibatkan seseorang terjerumus pada perilaku yang merugikan. Perilaku radikal salah satunya merupakan fenomena yang terjadi karena adanya kebimbangan kematangan personal dengan pengaruh lingkungan serta percepatan global yang tidak bisa diterima dan dianalisis baik oleh seseorang. Studi ini bertujuan untuk melihat pengaruh berpikir kritis terhadap perilaku aktivisme dan radikalisme pada sekelompok mahasiswa baru pada dua perguruan tinggi negeri di Kota Bandung. Desain penelitian kuantitatif digunakan dalam studi ini dengan jumlah populasi mencapai 15 ribu lebih responden. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan menggunakan purposive sampling, sehingga diperolehlah responden sebanyak 361 orang. Instrument menggunakan alat ukur yang dimodifikasi oleh peneliti dengan besaran reliabilitas dan validitas yang cukup baik. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa kemampuan berpikir kritis inquisitiveness berpengaruh signifikan pada aktivisme dengan nilai B = 0.186, dan p < 0.05. Selain itu, tidak terdapat pengaruh langsung yang signifikan dari berpikir kritis terhadap radikalisme.
Journal of POPULATION and SOCIAL STUDIES (Online), Oct 15, 2023
Marriage is a culture that grows based on three values: religiosity, customary, and national. In ... more Marriage is a culture that grows based on three values: religiosity, customary, and national. In Indonesian culture, the marriage of the Uluan Musi community per these three values has changed the implementation procedure. These changes occurred in the structure and culture, which impacted the customary law system. Therefore, this research aims to observe how changes in Islamic law culture in customary practices occurred in the Uluan Musi community. This qualitative study collects data from traditional and religious leaders through in-depth interviews, observations, and documentation. The results indicated that the changes in the Islamic legal culture in the marriage practice were caused by the fading of the meaning of Islamic legal values (i.e., profanization) of marriage customs due to cultural coexistence and globalization. These changes cause social leeway with the potential to lose cultural identity. Therefore, legal remodification must be carried out to maintain the continuity of Islamic law.
Creative Learning implemented by Rumah Kreatif Wadas Kelir (RKWK) has been integrating the values... more Creative Learning implemented by Rumah Kreatif Wadas Kelir (RKWK) has been integrating the values of character education in the learning process Creative learning undertaken to develop the creative intelligence of the students in terms of the richness of ideas and encourage children to realize the ideas he has in the form of real work, for example: poetry, short stories, fairy tales, songs, dance, and so on. The process of integration of the values of character education implemented in a planned and integrated in the learning process is carried out. So the process of character education is not taught, but immediately put into practice in creative learning activities and internalized through interaction between teachers and learners.
Advances in social science, education and humanities research, 2022
As one of the important competencies in the 21st century, creativity becomes an asset for a teena... more As one of the important competencies in the 21st century, creativity becomes an asset for a teenager to grow and compete to become a superior generation. Gender differences are often seen as an important indicator in determining what interventions are appropriate to improve these competencies. This study aims to see whether there are differences in verbal creativity between boys and girls in a group of teenagers who are the subjects of this study. A total of 172 teenagers filled out a verbal creativity test (TKV) which consisted of 6 subtests and measured aspects of fluency, flexibility, originality, and elaboration of a person. A two-way analysis of variance was carried out to answer the research objectives. The results showed that men obtained better test results than women from the average score obtained in filling out the test. Meanwhile, the results of the two-way analysis showed that there were significant differences between men and women in the acquisition of verbal creativity in this study. Suggestions and limitations of the research will be presented further in this paper.
Keluarga merupakan sekolah utama bagi anak untuk tumbuh berdasarkan fitrah masing-masing sehingga... more Keluarga merupakan sekolah utama bagi anak untuk tumbuh berdasarkan fitrah masing-masing sehingga apa pun yang terjadi di keluarga tentunya memberikan pengaruh terhadap perkembangan anak usia dini. Studi ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh dan melihat perbedaan dari status ekonomi, tempat tinggal, dan keterlibatan orang tua di program Bina Keluarga Balita (BKB) terhadap pengasuhan, pertumbuhan, dan perkembangan jiwa anak usia dini. Metode dalam penelitian ini adalah kuantitatif dengan menggunakan sumber data sekunder. Sebanyak 3.894 orang Ibu menjadi responden pada Survei Kinerja dan Akuntabilitas Program (SKAP) 2019 Provinsi Jawa Barat. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa status ekonomi dan keterlibatan orang tua dalam program BKB berpengaruh signifikan terhadap pengasuhan, pertumbuhan, dan perkembangan jiwa anak usia dini. Selain itu, ada perbedaan signifikan antara status ekonomi orang tua yang tinggi, sedang, dan rendah. Hasil lainnya juga menunjukkan bahwa ada perbedaan signifikan antara mereka yang mengikuti program BKB dan tidak. Hasil penelitian secara umum memperkuat bahwa diperlukan fondasi yang kuat pada keluarga baik dari sisi ekonomi maupun dari segi partisipasi orang tua dalam kegiatan pembinaan dan kemasyarakatan. Kata kunci: anak usia dini, BKB, keterlibatan orang tua, perkembangan jiwa anak, pola asuh The Effect of Family Demographic in Nurturing the Growth and Development of Mental Early Childhood
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, 2022
As one of the important competencies in the 21st century, creativity becomes an asset for a teena... more As one of the important competencies in the 21st century, creativity becomes an asset for a teenager to grow and compete to become a superior generation. Gender differences are often seen as an important indicator in determining what interventions are appropriate to improve these competencies. This study aims to see whether there are differences in verbal creativity between boys and girls in a group of teenagers who are the subjects of this study. A total of 172 teenagers filled out a verbal creativity test (TKV) which consisted of 6 subtests and measured aspects of fluency, flexibility, originality, and elaboration of a person. A two-way analysis of variance was carried out to answer the research objectives. The results showed that men obtained better test results than women from the average score obtained in filling out the test. Meanwhile, the results of the two-way analysis showed that there were significant differences between men and women in the acquisition of verbal creativity in this study. Suggestions and limitations of the research will be presented further in this paper.
Significant and unexpected changes need to be anticipated by all teachers, especially when facing... more Significant and unexpected changes need to be anticipated by all teachers, especially when facing difficult situations in the learning process. This study aims to determine the mediating role of attitude in the correlation between creativity and curiosity regarding the performance of outstanding science teachers. A quantitative causal method was used which involves 100 teachers that were selected using a purposive sampling technique. Collection of research data using four questionnaire instruments with a Likert-scaled were derived from the existing grand theory and met the psychometric properties as a suitable instrument to use. Multiple regression analysis is used to identify the relationship between these variables. The results of the data analysis showed that the creativity affects attitude directly and attitude also affects performance. Other results show that curiosity has a direct effect on performance and has no indirect effect on performance. Meanwhile, other results also explained that the investigated variables are positively correlated with the outstanding science teachers. The results of the study concluded that attitude can act as an effective mediator in the relationship between creativity and performance. Creativity and curiosity are important variables to support the performance of outstanding science teachers. The limitations of this study and discussions were subsequently explained in this article.
The purpose of this study was to explore how curriculum development management in Madrasah Aliyah... more The purpose of this study was to explore how curriculum development management in Madrasah Aliyah. This research method uses qualitative research methods, namely a research approach to natural phenomena and symptoms. The data was collected by means of observation, interview and documentation techniques. Then analyzed and tested for validity by extension of participation, triangulation and auditing for certainty criteria. The results of this study indicate that: (1) The natural background of MA Al-Falah, based on its history, is based on a strong desire to continue to develop Qur'anic values. (2) the MA Al-Falah curriculum component is a combination of the curriculum of the Ministry of Religion, Ministry of National Education, and Islamic boarding schools. (3) the implementation of the curriculum is based on two adjustments including suitability with demands, needs, conditions and society, as well as conformity with content, objectives, processes and evaluation. (4) the curriculum concept used in MA Al-Falah is a social reconstruction curriculum concept and a humanistic curriculum concept. (5) curriculum management steps in MA Al-Falah include: a) formulation of objectives, b) planning curriculum designs, c) selecting additional program types, d) selecting methods, e) implementing learning, f) selecting evaluation forms. (6) supporting factors in the MA Al-Falah curriculum management, namely professional managerial resources, coordination of all fields, and scheduled evaluation. While the inhibiting factor is the level of saturation of students because the location has not changed and the lack of professional training for educators and education personnel.
Indonesian Journal of Educational Assessment, Jun 26, 2020
Character education is an inseparable part of the program of strengthening and improving the qual... more Character education is an inseparable part of the program of strengthening and improving the quality of education in various aspects of life. Character education is manifested in a variety of activities and conditions that allow each school to be able to optimize the cognitive abilities of children in addition to strengthening their morals and character as a whole. Each school has advantages and good mechanisms that support the implementation of the character education program the study was conducted to explore and obtain a picture of best practices carried out by leading schools implementing the character education strengthening program (PPK). Qualitative research with a collective case study design is used in this study. There are 3 excellent schools that become research locus with 18 respondents who involved as research participants selected using purposive sampling. Exploration was implemented using the interview method, focus group discussion, and direct observation. The results showed that the implementation of character education conducted at the three schools was very effective because it was supported by various policies, concrete actions, and the consistency and seriousness of the school in supporting the program. The best practices that might be used as a model by other schools include praying together, conducting joint worship routines, rotating cults, conducting environmental love programs, literacy, and cultural love programs.
Curriculum changes often occur following the direction of technological developments and the basi... more Curriculum changes often occur following the direction of technological developments and the basic needs desired from the curriculum. The existence of an independent curriculum is a new hope to provide more space for students to self-actualize. The purpose of this research is to explore the challenges and strategies that will be faced by various stakeholders in implementing an independent curriculum at the elementary school (SD) level. A qualitative research design with a case study model was carried out to answer these objectives. Researchers conducted a series of interviews and observations in 6 elementary schools in the city of Bandung, the city of Bogor and the city of Surakarta. This research involved the government, principals, teachers and students to get a better picture of the implementation of the independent curriculum. The results showed that the presence of an independent curriculum was welcomed by all levels of education in this study. This is illustrated by the enthus...
Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengeksplorasi bagaimana manajemen pengembangan kurikulum di Madrasah... more Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengeksplorasi bagaimana manajemen pengembangan kurikulum di Madrasah Aliyah. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif yaitu suatu pendekatan penelitian terhadap fenomena dan gejala yang bersifat alami. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan teknik observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Kemudian dianalisis dan diuji keabsahannya dengan perpanjangan keikutsertaan, triangulasi dan auditing untuk kriteria kepastian. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa: (1) Latar alamiah MA Al-Falah berdasarkan sejarahnya yaitu berangkat dari keinginan yang kuat untuk terus mengembangkan nilai-nilai Qur’ani. (2) komponen kurikulum MA Al-Falah merupakan gabungan dari kurikulum Kementrian Agama, Depdiknas, dan Pondok Pesantren. (3) pelaksanaan kurikulum berdasarkan dua penyesuaian diantaranya, kesesuaian dengan tuntutan, kebutuhan, kondisi dan masyarakat, serta kesesuaian dengan isi, tujuan, proses dan evaluasi. (4) konsep kurikulum yang digunakan di MA Al-Fa...
Only a few studies have examined the use of comprehensive variables in determining financial mana... more Only a few studies have examined the use of comprehensive variables in determining financial management behavior, though the model involves many other variables. Therefore, this study aimed to examine the locus of control as a mediator variable in the effect of financial attitude and knowledge, income, and spiritual intelligence on financial management behavior. It used a quantitative descriptive method and involved 391 respondents determined through convenience sampling. The results showed that financial attitude and spiritual intelligence significantly impact financial management behavior through locus of control. Whereas in the other two variables, namely financial knowledge, and income, the role of the mediator does not function effectively, so it does not have an indirect effect. These findings have implications for individuals to practice financial readiness in daily financial life. The information obtained also strengthens the role of self-control in financial management.JEL ...
International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research
Higher order thinking skills are an important element in facing the challenges of the 21st centur... more Higher order thinking skills are an important element in facing the challenges of the 21st century. The application of higher order thinking skills in religious materials has been a significant concern. However, the lack of knowledge about the importance in religious learning has not been widely studied, especially in lecturers perception. This present study examined the lecturers' perceptions of implementing higher order thinking skills and the relevance to student academic performance in online learning. It employed a descriptive quantitative approach and engaged 33 lecturers and 63 students selected using a purposive sampling technique. All respondents who were involved consciously agreed to become research participants. Furthermore, the data collection instrument used a Likert scale consisting of 11 statements, documentation of test questions used in learning, and student learning outcomes. Instrument validation involved two experts with a reliability score above 0.7 and was...
Religious moderation is considered one of the crucial issues discussed by many parties. This circ... more Religious moderation is considered one of the crucial issues discussed by many parties. This circumstance is evidenced by varied rules and facts, making it an indicator of the nation's welfare. The lack of research that specifically addressed the correlation between religious moderation and psychological attributes was one reason why this study was conducted. Hence, the purpose of the present research was to determine the role of religious moderation on the life satisfaction of generation Z Muslim students. A quantitative design engaging a causal approach was employed to measure the significance of the role of religious moderation on the life satisfaction of generation Z Muslims. 453 respondents selected using the purposive sampling technique participated in this study. To collect the data, researchers administered two tested measuring instruments that indicated good psychometric properties. The regression analysis results revealed a significant impact of religious moderation on...
One of the successes of a learning program is obtained by the various feedbacks during the evalua... more One of the successes of a learning program is obtained by the various feedbacks during the evaluation process, including when the program is implemented in the form of distance learning. The purpose of this study was to examine the perception of graduate students in English Education department about the effectiveness of distance learning carried out by the tutors during the learning process. Descriptive quantitative method was used in this study to answer the objectives of this study. A total of 21 students of master's degree in English Education department were involved in this study by selecting the respondents using the purposive sampling technique. The researchers used the measurement with reference to Kirkpatrick's model which explains the effectiveness of online learning through the aspects of reaction, learning, behavior and results. The result showed that the majority of respondents were satisfied with the learning process provided by the tutor as seen from the sati...
The purpose of this study was to analyze factors affecting word of mouth. A causality quantitativ... more The purpose of this study was to analyze factors affecting word of mouth. A causality quantitative research design was used to answer this question by involving a sample of 120 tourists on Komodo Island who were selected using a purposive sampling technique. A modified set of questionnaires was distributed to all respondents, including informed consent as involvement in the study, and then analyzed using multiple regression tests and mediation tests with the help of AMOS software. The study results show that personal factors and celebrity endorsements have a partial effect on buying behavior, as well as buying behavior which significantly affects the word of mouth of research respondents. Personal factors and celebrity endorsements also directly affect word of mouth. The implications of this research provide information about the importance of these variables in supporting the optimization of tourism on Komodo Island.
Gadjah Mada Journal of Professional Psychology (GamaJPP)
Remaja merupakan kelompok usia yang banyak dibebankan tanggung jawab dan tuntutan baru sehingga b... more Remaja merupakan kelompok usia yang banyak dibebankan tanggung jawab dan tuntutan baru sehingga banyak ahli mengatakan bahwa remaja sangat rentan mengalami permasalahan psikologis. Remaja yang juga berperan sebagai mahasiswa tak jarang merasakan stres akademik akibat tuntutan dan tekanan dalam perkuliahan. Penelitian ini bermaksud untuk mengeksplorasi peran stres akademik dan perceived social support dalam memprediksi kesehatan mental remaja akhir. Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode kuantitatif yang melibatkan 255 subjek dengan teknik accidental sampling. Hasil uji T, uji F dan analisis regresi linier berganda menunjukkan adanya pengaruh dari stres akademik dan perceived social support terhadap kesehatan mental. Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan stres akademik dan perceived social support menjadi prediktor bagi tinggi rendahnya kesehatan mental remaja akhir.
This study aims to develop and validate a financial management behavior scale. This study used th... more This study aims to develop and validate a financial management behavior scale. This study used the approach of measuring instrument modification by applying the existing theory into a statement that will be used as an instrument to see the condition of a person's financial management behavior. The researchers used the basic theory of Dew and Xiao (2011) which divides financial management behavior into the consumption dimension, cash flow management dimension, savings and investment dimension, and debt management dimension. The subjects involved in this study were 391 people who were postgraduate students in the capital city of Jakarta and were selected using a purposive sampling technique. Structural equation modeling (SEM) analysis with AMOS software were used in this study. The results of the analysis showed that the financial management behavior scale developed by the researchers has met the fit model and produced a valid statement which is ready to be used to measure the beh...
Perkembangan teknologi yang semakin berkembang harus senantiasa diikuti dengan perubahan sikap ya... more Perkembangan teknologi yang semakin berkembang harus senantiasa diikuti dengan perubahan sikap yang matang dan bijaksana dalam menerima arus dan informasi global. Ketidakmatangan sikap dan bias personal yang kuat seringkali mengakibatkan seseorang terjerumus pada perilaku yang merugikan. Perilaku radikal salah satunya merupakan fenomena yang terjadi karena adanya kebimbangan kematangan personal dengan pengaruh lingkungan serta percepatan global yang tidak bisa diterima dan dianalisis baik oleh seseorang. Studi ini bertujuan untuk melihat pengaruh berpikir kritis terhadap perilaku aktivisme dan radikalisme pada sekelompok mahasiswa baru pada dua perguruan tinggi negeri di Kota Bandung. Desain penelitian kuantitatif digunakan dalam studi ini dengan jumlah populasi mencapai 15 ribu lebih responden. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan menggunakan purposive sampling, sehingga diperolehlah responden sebanyak 361 orang. Instrument menggunakan alat ukur yang dimodifikasi oleh peneliti dengan besaran reliabilitas dan validitas yang cukup baik. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa kemampuan berpikir kritis inquisitiveness berpengaruh signifikan pada aktivisme dengan nilai B = 0.186, dan p < 0.05. Selain itu, tidak terdapat pengaruh langsung yang signifikan dari berpikir kritis terhadap radikalisme.
Journal of POPULATION and SOCIAL STUDIES (Online), Oct 15, 2023
Marriage is a culture that grows based on three values: religiosity, customary, and national. In ... more Marriage is a culture that grows based on three values: religiosity, customary, and national. In Indonesian culture, the marriage of the Uluan Musi community per these three values has changed the implementation procedure. These changes occurred in the structure and culture, which impacted the customary law system. Therefore, this research aims to observe how changes in Islamic law culture in customary practices occurred in the Uluan Musi community. This qualitative study collects data from traditional and religious leaders through in-depth interviews, observations, and documentation. The results indicated that the changes in the Islamic legal culture in the marriage practice were caused by the fading of the meaning of Islamic legal values (i.e., profanization) of marriage customs due to cultural coexistence and globalization. These changes cause social leeway with the potential to lose cultural identity. Therefore, legal remodification must be carried out to maintain the continuity of Islamic law.
Creative Learning implemented by Rumah Kreatif Wadas Kelir (RKWK) has been integrating the values... more Creative Learning implemented by Rumah Kreatif Wadas Kelir (RKWK) has been integrating the values of character education in the learning process Creative learning undertaken to develop the creative intelligence of the students in terms of the richness of ideas and encourage children to realize the ideas he has in the form of real work, for example: poetry, short stories, fairy tales, songs, dance, and so on. The process of integration of the values of character education implemented in a planned and integrated in the learning process is carried out. So the process of character education is not taught, but immediately put into practice in creative learning activities and internalized through interaction between teachers and learners.
Advances in social science, education and humanities research, 2022
As one of the important competencies in the 21st century, creativity becomes an asset for a teena... more As one of the important competencies in the 21st century, creativity becomes an asset for a teenager to grow and compete to become a superior generation. Gender differences are often seen as an important indicator in determining what interventions are appropriate to improve these competencies. This study aims to see whether there are differences in verbal creativity between boys and girls in a group of teenagers who are the subjects of this study. A total of 172 teenagers filled out a verbal creativity test (TKV) which consisted of 6 subtests and measured aspects of fluency, flexibility, originality, and elaboration of a person. A two-way analysis of variance was carried out to answer the research objectives. The results showed that men obtained better test results than women from the average score obtained in filling out the test. Meanwhile, the results of the two-way analysis showed that there were significant differences between men and women in the acquisition of verbal creativity in this study. Suggestions and limitations of the research will be presented further in this paper.
Keluarga merupakan sekolah utama bagi anak untuk tumbuh berdasarkan fitrah masing-masing sehingga... more Keluarga merupakan sekolah utama bagi anak untuk tumbuh berdasarkan fitrah masing-masing sehingga apa pun yang terjadi di keluarga tentunya memberikan pengaruh terhadap perkembangan anak usia dini. Studi ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh dan melihat perbedaan dari status ekonomi, tempat tinggal, dan keterlibatan orang tua di program Bina Keluarga Balita (BKB) terhadap pengasuhan, pertumbuhan, dan perkembangan jiwa anak usia dini. Metode dalam penelitian ini adalah kuantitatif dengan menggunakan sumber data sekunder. Sebanyak 3.894 orang Ibu menjadi responden pada Survei Kinerja dan Akuntabilitas Program (SKAP) 2019 Provinsi Jawa Barat. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa status ekonomi dan keterlibatan orang tua dalam program BKB berpengaruh signifikan terhadap pengasuhan, pertumbuhan, dan perkembangan jiwa anak usia dini. Selain itu, ada perbedaan signifikan antara status ekonomi orang tua yang tinggi, sedang, dan rendah. Hasil lainnya juga menunjukkan bahwa ada perbedaan signifikan antara mereka yang mengikuti program BKB dan tidak. Hasil penelitian secara umum memperkuat bahwa diperlukan fondasi yang kuat pada keluarga baik dari sisi ekonomi maupun dari segi partisipasi orang tua dalam kegiatan pembinaan dan kemasyarakatan. Kata kunci: anak usia dini, BKB, keterlibatan orang tua, perkembangan jiwa anak, pola asuh The Effect of Family Demographic in Nurturing the Growth and Development of Mental Early Childhood
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, 2022
As one of the important competencies in the 21st century, creativity becomes an asset for a teena... more As one of the important competencies in the 21st century, creativity becomes an asset for a teenager to grow and compete to become a superior generation. Gender differences are often seen as an important indicator in determining what interventions are appropriate to improve these competencies. This study aims to see whether there are differences in verbal creativity between boys and girls in a group of teenagers who are the subjects of this study. A total of 172 teenagers filled out a verbal creativity test (TKV) which consisted of 6 subtests and measured aspects of fluency, flexibility, originality, and elaboration of a person. A two-way analysis of variance was carried out to answer the research objectives. The results showed that men obtained better test results than women from the average score obtained in filling out the test. Meanwhile, the results of the two-way analysis showed that there were significant differences between men and women in the acquisition of verbal creativity in this study. Suggestions and limitations of the research will be presented further in this paper.
Significant and unexpected changes need to be anticipated by all teachers, especially when facing... more Significant and unexpected changes need to be anticipated by all teachers, especially when facing difficult situations in the learning process. This study aims to determine the mediating role of attitude in the correlation between creativity and curiosity regarding the performance of outstanding science teachers. A quantitative causal method was used which involves 100 teachers that were selected using a purposive sampling technique. Collection of research data using four questionnaire instruments with a Likert-scaled were derived from the existing grand theory and met the psychometric properties as a suitable instrument to use. Multiple regression analysis is used to identify the relationship between these variables. The results of the data analysis showed that the creativity affects attitude directly and attitude also affects performance. Other results show that curiosity has a direct effect on performance and has no indirect effect on performance. Meanwhile, other results also explained that the investigated variables are positively correlated with the outstanding science teachers. The results of the study concluded that attitude can act as an effective mediator in the relationship between creativity and performance. Creativity and curiosity are important variables to support the performance of outstanding science teachers. The limitations of this study and discussions were subsequently explained in this article.
The purpose of this study was to explore how curriculum development management in Madrasah Aliyah... more The purpose of this study was to explore how curriculum development management in Madrasah Aliyah. This research method uses qualitative research methods, namely a research approach to natural phenomena and symptoms. The data was collected by means of observation, interview and documentation techniques. Then analyzed and tested for validity by extension of participation, triangulation and auditing for certainty criteria. The results of this study indicate that: (1) The natural background of MA Al-Falah, based on its history, is based on a strong desire to continue to develop Qur'anic values. (2) the MA Al-Falah curriculum component is a combination of the curriculum of the Ministry of Religion, Ministry of National Education, and Islamic boarding schools. (3) the implementation of the curriculum is based on two adjustments including suitability with demands, needs, conditions and society, as well as conformity with content, objectives, processes and evaluation. (4) the curriculum concept used in MA Al-Falah is a social reconstruction curriculum concept and a humanistic curriculum concept. (5) curriculum management steps in MA Al-Falah include: a) formulation of objectives, b) planning curriculum designs, c) selecting additional program types, d) selecting methods, e) implementing learning, f) selecting evaluation forms. (6) supporting factors in the MA Al-Falah curriculum management, namely professional managerial resources, coordination of all fields, and scheduled evaluation. While the inhibiting factor is the level of saturation of students because the location has not changed and the lack of professional training for educators and education personnel.
Indonesian Journal of Educational Assessment, Jun 26, 2020
Character education is an inseparable part of the program of strengthening and improving the qual... more Character education is an inseparable part of the program of strengthening and improving the quality of education in various aspects of life. Character education is manifested in a variety of activities and conditions that allow each school to be able to optimize the cognitive abilities of children in addition to strengthening their morals and character as a whole. Each school has advantages and good mechanisms that support the implementation of the character education program the study was conducted to explore and obtain a picture of best practices carried out by leading schools implementing the character education strengthening program (PPK). Qualitative research with a collective case study design is used in this study. There are 3 excellent schools that become research locus with 18 respondents who involved as research participants selected using purposive sampling. Exploration was implemented using the interview method, focus group discussion, and direct observation. The results showed that the implementation of character education conducted at the three schools was very effective because it was supported by various policies, concrete actions, and the consistency and seriousness of the school in supporting the program. The best practices that might be used as a model by other schools include praying together, conducting joint worship routines, rotating cults, conducting environmental love programs, literacy, and cultural love programs.
Curriculum changes often occur following the direction of technological developments and the basi... more Curriculum changes often occur following the direction of technological developments and the basic needs desired from the curriculum. The existence of an independent curriculum is a new hope to provide more space for students to self-actualize. The purpose of this research is to explore the challenges and strategies that will be faced by various stakeholders in implementing an independent curriculum at the elementary school (SD) level. A qualitative research design with a case study model was carried out to answer these objectives. Researchers conducted a series of interviews and observations in 6 elementary schools in the city of Bandung, the city of Bogor and the city of Surakarta. This research involved the government, principals, teachers and students to get a better picture of the implementation of the independent curriculum. The results showed that the presence of an independent curriculum was welcomed by all levels of education in this study. This is illustrated by the enthus...
Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengeksplorasi bagaimana manajemen pengembangan kurikulum di Madrasah... more Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengeksplorasi bagaimana manajemen pengembangan kurikulum di Madrasah Aliyah. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif yaitu suatu pendekatan penelitian terhadap fenomena dan gejala yang bersifat alami. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan teknik observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Kemudian dianalisis dan diuji keabsahannya dengan perpanjangan keikutsertaan, triangulasi dan auditing untuk kriteria kepastian. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa: (1) Latar alamiah MA Al-Falah berdasarkan sejarahnya yaitu berangkat dari keinginan yang kuat untuk terus mengembangkan nilai-nilai Qur’ani. (2) komponen kurikulum MA Al-Falah merupakan gabungan dari kurikulum Kementrian Agama, Depdiknas, dan Pondok Pesantren. (3) pelaksanaan kurikulum berdasarkan dua penyesuaian diantaranya, kesesuaian dengan tuntutan, kebutuhan, kondisi dan masyarakat, serta kesesuaian dengan isi, tujuan, proses dan evaluasi. (4) konsep kurikulum yang digunakan di MA Al-Fa...
Only a few studies have examined the use of comprehensive variables in determining financial mana... more Only a few studies have examined the use of comprehensive variables in determining financial management behavior, though the model involves many other variables. Therefore, this study aimed to examine the locus of control as a mediator variable in the effect of financial attitude and knowledge, income, and spiritual intelligence on financial management behavior. It used a quantitative descriptive method and involved 391 respondents determined through convenience sampling. The results showed that financial attitude and spiritual intelligence significantly impact financial management behavior through locus of control. Whereas in the other two variables, namely financial knowledge, and income, the role of the mediator does not function effectively, so it does not have an indirect effect. These findings have implications for individuals to practice financial readiness in daily financial life. The information obtained also strengthens the role of self-control in financial management.JEL ...
International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research
Higher order thinking skills are an important element in facing the challenges of the 21st centur... more Higher order thinking skills are an important element in facing the challenges of the 21st century. The application of higher order thinking skills in religious materials has been a significant concern. However, the lack of knowledge about the importance in religious learning has not been widely studied, especially in lecturers perception. This present study examined the lecturers' perceptions of implementing higher order thinking skills and the relevance to student academic performance in online learning. It employed a descriptive quantitative approach and engaged 33 lecturers and 63 students selected using a purposive sampling technique. All respondents who were involved consciously agreed to become research participants. Furthermore, the data collection instrument used a Likert scale consisting of 11 statements, documentation of test questions used in learning, and student learning outcomes. Instrument validation involved two experts with a reliability score above 0.7 and was...
Religious moderation is considered one of the crucial issues discussed by many parties. This circ... more Religious moderation is considered one of the crucial issues discussed by many parties. This circumstance is evidenced by varied rules and facts, making it an indicator of the nation's welfare. The lack of research that specifically addressed the correlation between religious moderation and psychological attributes was one reason why this study was conducted. Hence, the purpose of the present research was to determine the role of religious moderation on the life satisfaction of generation Z Muslim students. A quantitative design engaging a causal approach was employed to measure the significance of the role of religious moderation on the life satisfaction of generation Z Muslims. 453 respondents selected using the purposive sampling technique participated in this study. To collect the data, researchers administered two tested measuring instruments that indicated good psychometric properties. The regression analysis results revealed a significant impact of religious moderation on...
One of the successes of a learning program is obtained by the various feedbacks during the evalua... more One of the successes of a learning program is obtained by the various feedbacks during the evaluation process, including when the program is implemented in the form of distance learning. The purpose of this study was to examine the perception of graduate students in English Education department about the effectiveness of distance learning carried out by the tutors during the learning process. Descriptive quantitative method was used in this study to answer the objectives of this study. A total of 21 students of master's degree in English Education department were involved in this study by selecting the respondents using the purposive sampling technique. The researchers used the measurement with reference to Kirkpatrick's model which explains the effectiveness of online learning through the aspects of reaction, learning, behavior and results. The result showed that the majority of respondents were satisfied with the learning process provided by the tutor as seen from the sati...
The purpose of this study was to analyze factors affecting word of mouth. A causality quantitativ... more The purpose of this study was to analyze factors affecting word of mouth. A causality quantitative research design was used to answer this question by involving a sample of 120 tourists on Komodo Island who were selected using a purposive sampling technique. A modified set of questionnaires was distributed to all respondents, including informed consent as involvement in the study, and then analyzed using multiple regression tests and mediation tests with the help of AMOS software. The study results show that personal factors and celebrity endorsements have a partial effect on buying behavior, as well as buying behavior which significantly affects the word of mouth of research respondents. Personal factors and celebrity endorsements also directly affect word of mouth. The implications of this research provide information about the importance of these variables in supporting the optimization of tourism on Komodo Island.
Gadjah Mada Journal of Professional Psychology (GamaJPP)
Remaja merupakan kelompok usia yang banyak dibebankan tanggung jawab dan tuntutan baru sehingga b... more Remaja merupakan kelompok usia yang banyak dibebankan tanggung jawab dan tuntutan baru sehingga banyak ahli mengatakan bahwa remaja sangat rentan mengalami permasalahan psikologis. Remaja yang juga berperan sebagai mahasiswa tak jarang merasakan stres akademik akibat tuntutan dan tekanan dalam perkuliahan. Penelitian ini bermaksud untuk mengeksplorasi peran stres akademik dan perceived social support dalam memprediksi kesehatan mental remaja akhir. Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode kuantitatif yang melibatkan 255 subjek dengan teknik accidental sampling. Hasil uji T, uji F dan analisis regresi linier berganda menunjukkan adanya pengaruh dari stres akademik dan perceived social support terhadap kesehatan mental. Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan stres akademik dan perceived social support menjadi prediktor bagi tinggi rendahnya kesehatan mental remaja akhir.
This study aims to develop and validate a financial management behavior scale. This study used th... more This study aims to develop and validate a financial management behavior scale. This study used the approach of measuring instrument modification by applying the existing theory into a statement that will be used as an instrument to see the condition of a person's financial management behavior. The researchers used the basic theory of Dew and Xiao (2011) which divides financial management behavior into the consumption dimension, cash flow management dimension, savings and investment dimension, and debt management dimension. The subjects involved in this study were 391 people who were postgraduate students in the capital city of Jakarta and were selected using a purposive sampling technique. Structural equation modeling (SEM) analysis with AMOS software were used in this study. The results of the analysis showed that the financial management behavior scale developed by the researchers has met the fit model and produced a valid statement which is ready to be used to measure the beh...
Konferensi Nasional Peneliti Muda Psikologi Indonesia, 2019
Sebuah peradaban meraih keberhasilan karena memiliki manusia-manusia yang unggul sehingga mampu m... more Sebuah peradaban meraih keberhasilan karena memiliki manusia-manusia yang unggul sehingga mampu membangun dirinya serta bersinergi dengan sekitarnya. Masjid adalah salah satu bentuk peradaban manusia yang paling holistik karena di dalamnya bukan hanya tempat manusia mengabdi kepada Tuhannya tetapi juga jadi sarana setiap orang berinteraksi. Pemuda masjid mampu menjadi fasilitator pendidikan dan pembentukan karakter serta inspirator bagi masyarakat sekitar. Pemuda berprestasi salah satunya ditentukan oleh beberapa faktor yaitu harapan, ketekunan, dan spiritualitas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengukur kekuatan dari 3 character strength pada mahasiswa yang merupakan pemuda masjid. Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini berupa pendekatan deskriptif-kuantitatif. Data yang diperoleh dari sampel populasi penelitian dianalisis sesuai dengan metode statistik yang kemudian diinterpretasikan. Pengukuran menggunakan The Value in Action-Inventory Strenghts (VIA-IS) dengan 10 items pada setiap kekuatan karakter. Subjek terdiri dari 100 mahasiswa pemuda masjid dari 9 fakultas UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung yang diperoleh dengan menggunakan teknik purposive sampling. Hasil pengukuran dan survei menunjukkan bahwa pemuda masjid memiliki 3 character strength di atas rata-rata, yaitu spiritualitas, harapan, dan ketekunan. Dengan demikian penelitian ini memberikan gambaran tentang pentingnya membangun generasi dengan berdasarkan pada ketiga kekuatan tersebut. Penelitian selanjutnya diharapkan dapat meningkatkan jumlah subjek sehingga dapat lebih representatif. Selain itu dapat pula ditambahkan variabel-variabel terkait lainnya yang relevan dengan konstruk yang diukur.
Buku berjudul “Pendidikan Untuk Generasi Z (Refleksi dan Inspirasi Penerapan TIK untuk Pendidikan... more Buku berjudul “Pendidikan Untuk Generasi Z (Refleksi dan Inspirasi Penerapan TIK untuk Pendidikan)” ini, merupakan kolaborasi ketiga penulis yang salah satunya berfokus pada integrasi teknologi dan pembelajaran. Buku ini hadir diinspirasi oleh beberapa artikel yang sudah terbit di jurnal dan proseding, serta beberapa bahan presentasi ketika menjadi instruktur pelatihan. Seperti yang kita ketahui bersama bahwa perkembangan teknologi yang semakin berkembang dimanfaatkan oleh manusia sehingga bisa menjadi pendukung dalam proses pembelajaran dalam berbagai hal. Di samping itu, penguasaan teknologi yang ada tentunya menjadi karakteristik yang khas bagi generasi Z yang dalam hal ini menjadi subjek yang diprediksi mendapatkan banyak manfaat dari buku ini. Buku ini berisi informasi yang dikemas dalam sudut pandang teoretis dan praktis sehingga memudahkan pembaca untuk memahami integrasi TIK dengan Gaya Belajar yang tepat untuk generasi Z. Secara struktur buku ini berisi 6 Bab yang menyajikan informasi yang komprehensif dimulai dari perkembangan teknologi hingga saat ini sampai penerapannya pada berbagai kegiatan pembelajaran generasi Z. Bab I. Pendidikan Karakter dalam Perspektif Peran dan Fungsi TIK Bab II. Implementasi TIK dalam Berbagai Jenjang Pendidikan Bab III. Media Teknologi dan Faktor Psikologis Penunjangnnya Bab IV. Pembelajaran Generasi Z Bab V. Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia dan Integrasinya dengan TIK Bab VI. Integrasi TIK dalam Model Pembelajaran dan Kurikulum Pembahasan dalam buku ini dikemas dengan sistematika yang mudah dipahami oleh pembaca. Penulis menyajikan terlebih dahulu kasus yang terjadi di lapangan berkaitan materi yang dibahas. Harapannya kasus yang disajikan bisa menjadi pemantik pembaca untuk antusias dalam memahami materi yang ada. Buku ini juga dilengkapi dengan contoh-contoh yang lebih konkret dengan pembelajaran generasi Z sekarang sehingga bisa mendukung capaian yang diharapkan oleh generasi Z. Di bagian akhir setiap Bab, penulis menyajikan daftar keywords (kata kunci) yang merupakan kumpulan istilah yang terdapat dalam bahasan setiap Bab. Disamping itu, penulis juga menjelaskan pengertian dari setiap istilah tersebut berdasarkan panduan teoretis yang diperoleh. Pada akhirnya penulis berharap bahwa buku ini bisa digunakan bagi generasi Z dalam mempersiapkan pembelajaran yang sesuai dengan kondisi mereka saat ini.
Papers by Zulmi Ramdani