Monday, April 23, 2018

The Burda Mag Search

As I say, I’ve been doing quite a bit of planning since I had my back surgery.  That and serving the internet!

I came across a top from Style Pantry:
Asymmetric Front Button Blouse from
I am finding that I really love Folake’s sense of style.  When I saw this I just had to make it to get the fit that I want (needless to say I am no were near as small as she).

So I remembered a Burda Magazine pattern that looked very similar:

It will only require a minor tweak with respect to the sleeves, lengthen it, and add a side tie.

Of course when I went to look in my stash of Burda magazines, I didn’t have this issue! Over 20 years in my Burda stockpile and I didn’t have this one!

Anyway, I found a copy of the issue on Ebay in German!  No problem, but what I did discovered is that in the German magazines, the patterns were in a separate magazine (The US version you have to remove them from the center of the original magazine):

As for my version of the Adidas dress, I’ve got it almost finished.
Just got to add the neckband, finish the sleeves, adjust the it and hem. Then it will b done.  Hoping to get it completed by the end of the week.

Happy Sewing. . .

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